No. 8

452 4 6

"Dancing With Your Ghost" by Sasha Sloan

Saturday, September 9, 1994
*Luke's POV*
"No funny business." I replied back. And with that, we drove off. We dropped Bobby off at his place, then Alex dropped me off at mine. I offered him to come in for a bit, but he needed to get home. I set my bags down in my room and plop on my bed for a second. I pull out my notebook, and continue writing my song about Amelia.

"You set me free,
You and me together is more than chemistry."

I can't think of anything more right now. Its so hard to write about Amelia when she isn't here. Not hard, its just my music flows better with her around. If only she knew. If only she felt the same way.


Thursday, December 1, 1994
*Amelia's POV*
For months, Sunset Curve booked gigs, we sung at public events, on the pier, at the fair, even at book clubs. Okay, the book clubs were a little controversial. A rock band didn't really fit into the whole quiet scene. They had great snacks though! I've worked on myself for months now. Trying to get better so I can admit to myself my feelings for him without denial. I've wrote tons of songs since the beginning of school. Most with Luke. Some we haven't shared yet with the guys, but its not because of the meaning, just because we have plenty already.

It was after school on a Friday, the guys and I were all at Bobby's studio for practice, when Alex runs in with news.

"Guys, guys, GUYS, oh my god GUYS." He says running from the front of the house to the back.

"Alex, sweetie, breathe." Reggie said, grabbing his shoulders.

"You'll never guess who just called me!" Alex said with his eyes wide like a crazy person.

"Oprah?" Reggie asks.

"Oprah? What the fu- no, Reggie." Alex says holding up his hand like he's stopping Reggie.

"Who then?" Bobby said.

"THE ORPHEUM! They want us to open for TLC this summer!" Alex said.

"Oh my gosh! Do you guys know what this means?" Luke said, "People will finally hear us. I can't even begin to tell you guys how many bands have played there and went platinum!" He exclaimed.

"Umm, how many people will be there?" I asked, no I don't have stage fright, okay well maybe a little.

"A crap ton, are you kidding me? Have you ever seen the Orpheum?!" Luke said looking at me. His smile was bigger than ever and eyes GLOWING. I wish I could just- no. Not right now.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We need to start practicing like, NOW." Alex said. "What songs should we do?"

Alex grabbed a piece of paper and began writing down all of our songs we have so far.

"I am thinking we start with 'My Name Is Luke', then 'Crooked Teeth', and lastly 'Now or Never.' I'm not sure how many songs we can play, but if we can only do two, we can take out 'Crooked Teeth' or 'My Name Is Luke'." Luke said, he sounded like a happy puppy the way he is talking about the Orpheum and our show.

"I think that sounds good." Bobby said.


*Luke's POV*
I went back to my house because I had left a few things there for practice on accident this morning. "Hey, I'm home. Just stopping by to get a few things for practice." I shouted to my mom from my room.

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