No. 7

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"Wonder" By Shawn Mendes

Friday, September 9, 1994
*Luke's POV*
I couldn't stop thinking of that kiss. I lingered for more. I craved more. I can not stop thinking of Amelia.


Saturday, September 10, 1994
*Amelia's POV*
I woke up this morning early, the band was still sound asleep. I decided to make breakfast for all of them before. I made chocolate chip waffles with brown sugar and maple bacon. The house smelt so nice, I did not want this mini vacation to end anytime soon.

"Do I smell bacon?" Reggie comes out of his room, yawning and stretching as he entered the kitchen.

"You do. Bacon and waffles." I said, setting a plate on the island as he sat on the barstool.

Bobby and Alex came out of their rooms as well, smelling the bacon across the house. Luke still sound asleep.

"Want me to go wake him up?" Alex offered. I nodded. If I went in there, the guys would've teased.

"The beast awakes!" Reggie jokes, raising his arms up in a funny way as Luke walks out of his bedroom, half awake.

"Yeah yeah tease me all you want. You'll regret it later." Luke jokes back, taking a piece of bacon off Reggie's plate.

"Hey!" Reggie says with a confused and disgusted look on his face, "I was gonna eat that!". Luke just looks back with his sleepy face and smiles.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Luke says while washing his hands in the kitchen sink behind me. I smile at the remark, but don't notice I did.

"Hello Luke!" I said giggling back.

Reggie and Bobby are honestly used to Luke's flirting at this point. They didn't give any reaction to it though, which is strange. 

Today was mostly a lazy day after breakfast. We all stayed in and watched movies with the fireplace and blankets.

"Hey guys, you know what this movie night in is missing?" Reggie asks.

"Wellllll, I wouldn't really call it a movie night, more of a movie day." Alex says.

"Besides that, do you guys know what its missing?" Reggie asked again.

"What?" I said.

"A frickin' pillow and blanket fort." Reggie said smirking in a joyful way.

"Oh yeah!" Alex said, hopping up from his chair, shooing everyone. "Forts are my specialty." And I will not lie, Alex made a pretty sick fort that was extremely comfortable for being on the ground.

Sunday, September 11, 1994
About 20 minutes passed after we all awoke from a night sleeping in a fort, and we all went to go pack our bags. I got all of my things and loaded them into Alex's car, then helped Reggie with getting his things together. I swear, this man over packs every single trip. I remember, when we were little, he went to stay the night at Bobby's, and he packed SEVEN OUTFITS. Who needs seven outfits for ONE night. Apparently Reggie. So just imagine how much he packed for 2.

We all piled into the car, and started out small couple hour drive home. Alex was right about the traffic though. We beat it luckily. Just as we got off the highway, traffic slowed down.

"Did you all have fun?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! I learned that burnt smores don't taste crappy." Bobby teased.

"I can't say the same for myself." Reggie disagreed jokingly. I felt tired. Do you ever not get enough sleep, and just eat a meal then get extremely tired? Because that happens too often than not for me. But it was happening right now. I pressed my head against the glass on the window, and felt an arm snake around my waist. No surprise it was Luke's. He made me jump a bit, it scared me.

"Just go to sleep." Luke said, so I did. Except, instead of laying against the glass, I turned my body and put my legs on top of his and fell asleep on his shoulder. I know, I'm digging myself in a deeper hole by doing this, but it felt so nice. The feeling of being in care again.

I feel someone shaking me, and it was Luke. "You're home." He says. I get my legs up off his lap and get out of the car. I stretch and pop my back. Luke went to the trunk and grabbed my bags. Reggie grabbed his own.

"I can carry those-" I started.

"No, it's okay. I want to help!" Luke claimed.

"Fine, you win." I gave in. I half smiled and let him lead the way.

We enter my house and get greeted by my mom. "Hey guys!" She says as she hugs us both, me and Reggie that is. "You all have fun?"

"Yeah! Amelia set a burnt smores trend that the guys loved." Reggie joked.

"You still don't like them, you will eventually." I slur out of sleepiness.

"Oh honey, you look tired. Go get some sleep." My mom laughed.

"Hey Mrs. Peters!" Luke says.

"Hey Luke. How are you?" My mom asks as I head up the stairs.

"Pretty good." He begins, there's a small thud from my room from me falling onto my bed,  "I better go give her her bags." He held up my overnight bags.


*Luke's POV*
I head up the stairs to find Amelia's room. I enter and she is passed out on her bed. That girl can sleep! I set down her bags, and take the blanket hanging on her chair, and cover her up with it.

"Sleep well, a princess always deserves beauty sleep. Especially rock band princesses." I say to her. She was obviously not going to respond, but it felt nice. I kissed her forehead and left.

"What took you so long?" Alex asked as I got in the car.

"I talked with their mom for a second, then I go to put her bags down in her room and shes OUT, like she crashed." I laughed.

"No funny business?" Bobby smirked.

"No funny business." I replied back. And with that, we drove off. We dropped Bobby off at his place, then Alex dropped me off at mine. I offered him to come in for a bit, but he needed to get home. I set my bags down in my room and plop on my bed for a second. I pull out my notebook, and continue writing my song about Amelia.

"You set me free,
You and me together is more than chemistry."

I can't think of anything more right now. Its so hard to write about Amelia when she isn't here. Not hard, its just my music flows better with her around. If only she knew. If only she felt the same way.


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