No. 16

356 4 0

"Dreaming Of You" by Madison Reyes


Saturday, July 22, 1995
*Amelia's POV*
The whole room started to shake, it felt like an earth quake, but then out of no where, we were dropped into our old studio.


Hollywood, 2020 (Possibly Wednesday, September 30, 2020)
*Amelia's POV*
All of us started screaming, the room was spinning and shaking and we had no control over it. We all collapsed on the floor out of thin air, I landed on top of Luke, face first. I smile at him in a funny way. Me and Alex's eyes were all puffy from crying. We all stood up and wiped any dust and dirt we had off our clothes.

"Whoa," Luke said after adjusting himself, "How did we get back here?" He asks us. I'm still trying to catch my own breath and take everything in.

Next thing we know, there is a girl wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans standing by our couch, and she begins to scream, so we join her. Reggie is running in place but all of us huddle together eventually. The girl in yellow runs out of the studio and her voices fades by distance.

"Who was that?" Reggie asked, pointing towards the door the girl had just ran out of.

"If we knew, do you think any of us would be screaming?" Alex said, stating the obvious.

"Fair point." Reggie said quietly, looking down. Reggie then poofs to the other side of the room.

"Woah, how'd you do that?!" I asked.

"I just thought about where I wanted to go, and I like, teleported over here." Reggie said. I thought hard about the bathroom in the corner, and poofed myself in there.

"Oh my god guys! It works!" I said happily. Alex, Luke, Reggie and I all began randomly teleporting around the studio, but then heard the monster slipper footsteps rushing back to the studio. "Quick! Hide!" I said. All of us poofed to the bathroom and cracked the door so we can still see what's happening without being seen ourselves.

The girl in yellow walks into the studio, holding a cross in her hands like it's a gun. I chuckle, Alex hits me lightly to be quiet.

"Are you still here...?" She asks to us, but realistically, no one, "Whatever you are?" She drops her arms, "I know I saw something, I'm not crazy."

We all poof behind her, "Well, we're all a little crazy." Luke says. I held hands with him as we poofed in, scared of what will happen next. She begins screaming again.

"Oh my god please stop screaming!" Alex said, all of us flinch and wince from being so close to the girl while she screams. She stops immediately.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my moms studio?" She demands, now holding the cross up like a gun again.

"Your moms studio?" Luke began walking around her, her arms with a cross follow him where he goes,  "This is our studio! Trust me, my- the grand piano is new," He says, sliding across the top of it, "And... and... and..."

"Our couch!" Luke and I say at the same time, running and jumping on it.

"But that is definitely not your six-string, Luke." I said pointing at the wooden guitar hanging beside the couch. "Can you give me just one second?" I say, getting up and walking over the coffee table towards the girl in the yellow, "Just give me a second! Thank you." I say, then turning to the guys.

"Guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in here so fast?" Luke asked.

"Maybe... maybe, she's a witch?!" Reggie started, "There are chairs floating on the ceiling!" He pointed at the chairs, dangling above us.

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