No. 9

413 4 2

"Piece of You" by Shawn Mendes


Thursday, December 1, 1994
*Amelia's POV*
Reggie looks at his hand and sees clear sparkly gloss on it from Luke's mouth, then looks at me who is looking down at my song journal, pondering thoughts for songs. Reggie decided to not make a scene and just wiped it on his pants, but looked over at me and smirked.


Friday, December 2, 1994
I decided to head to Luke's house, he can't go there, but he needs his clothes. He gave me his house key and said nobody's home. So I kind of broke in but didn't break anything. I walked in through the back door. I have never been to Luke's house before. It was beautiful. I wandered around looking for the boys, assuming, messy bedroom, which soon was found and DEFINATELY messy. I call Luke and ask him what to grab, and he told me what he needed.

I heard a car pull into the driveway, my bag was full and luckily, it was my bag. I told Luke I heard the car on the phone, and he told me to hide. But I can't. Where can I hide?!

"Hello? Luke?" A girl said, making her way to the back bedroom where I was, in hopes to see her son.

Shoot. I'm gonna get caught, might as well come out.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" The woman said.

"Hey! Don't call the cops!" I said with my hands up, "I'm one of Luke's bandmates." I said.

"He never mentioned a female band mate?" She said, "Whats your name?" She asked.


"So you're Amelia?" She said. 

"Yes ma'am." I responded. "And you?"

"I'm Emily. Luke's mom." Emily said. "So what are you doing here?" She asked.

"We needed Luke's song journal so we can rehearse. He gave me the key yesterday and took off." I lied. 

"So you saw him?" Emily asked, stepping closer.

"At band practice, but that's all, I thought he had errands to run or something." I said, lying again.

"Take whatever you need, Amelia. Luke talked highly about you. Not just highly, but he had a lot of good things to say about you. And please, if you see him-" She started, but I said the same thing as her.

"Let you know. Okay." I said smiling small, grabbing the fake notebook off his desk,

"So," Emily started, "Can I offer you anything? Water? Soda?" 

"Oh no thank you. I have to get going actually." I thanked and nodded my head towards the door.

"Okay dear, please come back whenever you'd like, and drive safely." She said, shaking my hand with a sincere look. I nodded my head in agreement and left.

I got into Reggie's car, and sat there for a second. I started crying and slapped the steering wheel. Emily seemed like such a sweet mother, why would Luke want to leave? I know she meant no harm, and I hated lying to a stranger who might be important in my future, if Luke ever had feelings for me like I do him. After gathering myself together, I drove back to Bobby's.

When I arrived in Bobby's studio, I kind of stood there with a blank expression. "Amelia, you okay?" Reggie asked, noticing my face.

"Well, I met Luke's mom." I said.

"She was there?!" Luke asked.

"I was getting your things and she came home. I told her the guys and I needed your journal for band practice and the last we saw you was yesterday. I feel bad for lying especially for just meeting her." I spat out pretty quickly. I was a little stressed.

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