No. 20

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"Bright" by Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Joyner and Jeremy Shada/Julie Molina, Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer and Reggie Peters


Hollywood, 2020 (Possibly Thursday, October 1, 2020)
*Amelia's POV*
We begin looking and partially singing the chorus.

"Thanks." Julie says.

"Of course." I replied.


Hollywood, 2020 (Possibly Friday, October 2, 2020)
*Amelia's POV*
All of us teleport to Julie's school to see her perform. She jumps as we come in. "What are you guys doing here?!" She whisper shouted, trying not to alarm her friend.

"We wanna see you stick it to the man!" Luke exclaimed. "Isn't that right guys?" Which was true. Julie and I bonded yesterday for the first time, I had hopes in this girl.

"Man I miss high school." Reggie said, day dreaming about the dancing girls on the gym floor.

"Come on, Reg. High school was never like this for us." I joked out to him. Alex begins dancing with the girls from afar, more of mimicking their moves, Luke hits him to stop. The girls finish performing and walk out of the room, the principle makes some really bad jokes about their name and dismisses the assembly.

"What are you waiting for? This is your time." Reggie said to Julie.

"Yeah, I mean you look really nervous, like yack in a bowl nervous." Alex implies, not helping!

"I just don't think I had enough time to work on the song." Julie said.

"Luke and I wouldn't have given you the song if we didn't think you could do it." I assured Julie.

"There's a piano on that stage with your name on it." Luke points to the piano sitting empty on the stage.

Julie runs off and goes onto the stage through the back way. "You got this!" I semi-yelled to Julie on stage, nodding to her as she sits down. Everyone in the gym was making their way out, but when Julie began playing the piano, their heads turned to her.

"Sometimes I think I'm falling down,
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out,
for one more try, to feel alive.
And when I feel lost and alone,
I know that I can make it home,
fight through the dark,
and find the spark.
Life is a risk and I will take it,
close my eyes and jump.
Together I think that we can make it,
come on lets run!"

She was doing extremely well on her own, but all of a sudden, the guys and I teleported onto the stage with our instruments and began playing with Julie, in front of her whole school.

"And rise through the night, you and I,
we will fight to shine together, bright forever.
And rise through the night, you and I,
we will fight to shine together, bright forever."
"Uhh- is this really happening?!" Julie asked me concerned.
"Just go with it!" I said, as Luke took on the second verse.

"In times that I doubted myself,
I felt like I needed some help,
stuck in my head, with nothing left.
I feel something around me now,
so unclear, lifting me out,
I found the ground, I'm marching on!"
Luke sang out. Reggie and I tackled the pre-chorus together.

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