No. 10

403 4 3

"Nothing Else I Could Do" by Ella Jane


Friday, December 2, 1994
*Amelia's POV*
And with that, we began to rehearse. The song Luke had written was so beautiful, I started to cry while playing it on the piano for him. He laughed at me a bit, joked about making a tear jerker, and to make a joke off that, I called him a jerk. I could already tell, I wouldn't regret this new relationship.

Saturday, December 31, 1994
Weeks had passed and Luke still hadn't made amends with his mom. Tomorrow was a new year, and I'm hoping thats part of his resolution. We all got invited to a high school party for New Years. I had never been to a party, and neither have the guys so this could be interesting. I was in my room getting ready for the party, then Reggie came in.

"Hey Amelia," He said.

"Hey! I was just about to come ask you, I have nothing to wear, can I barrow a flannel?" I asked.

"Go ahead," Reggie said. I started to his room and he followed, "So, you and Luke." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. He has not stopped bugging me about Luke since we got together. I think he's just finally happy I moved on after such a long time moping over Vani.

"What is your question today, Reg?" I said, slipping on the flannel over my black tank top, and looking at myself in my mirror on my closet. "Blank ripped jeans or leggings?

"New years kiss? And definitely black ripped jeans." Reggie asked.

"Maybe." I said. "Red lipstick or chap stick with this?" I asked, looking at Reggie.

"Chap stick. Lipstick would be too much. Plus you don't need make up! You look good." Reggie said. I honestly loved my brother to death. He is always so supportive of me, and in the nicest way possible, I wish there was more in his life I could be proud of. He's got school and the band and thats it. No club, no girlfriend or boyfriend, no job, and yeah I support him with what he has I just feel like it'll never be even between us and it makes me feel bad.

"You look good too, Reg. Is that what you're wearing?" I asked. He was wearing his typical flannel and leather jacket. I swear he lives in that jacket.

"No I was gonna change-" He started.

"Don't. You look good." I smiled. He smiled back, fixing his jacket and wandered back to his room. I shut my door behind him.

An hour or so had passed and there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I lightly yelled.

Luke opened the door and shut it behind him, "Hey gorgeous, you look hot!" He said, joking around when he said hot. I got up and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a kiss. This wasn't a normal kiss, this one was longer, heated and more passionate then regularly.

"Wheres all this coming from?" I said, looking at him in his eyes.

"I just missed you, thats all." He said smiling in a weird way.

"You're lying." I said, squinting at him a little bit in a suspicious way.

"Fine, I just really want to do this, but I don't know if it's too early." Luke said, pulling me back in for a kiss, but this time slowly making his way towards my neck. I grab him and pull him on to my bed, and stop him.

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