No. 19

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"Don't Look Back In Danger" by OASIS


Hollywood, 2020 (Possibly Wednesday, September 30, 2020)
*Luke's POV*
"Hey, I think I know something that'll cheer you up." I said, beginning to strum the chords to 'Reggie's Jam' on my guitar. All three of us sang on the pier like old times. It felt amazing! People heard us and enjoyed the song, even though there was no where it could've came from.


Hollywood, 2020 (Possibly Thursday, October 1, 2020)
*Amelia's POV*
While Julie was at school, we decided to look around the house officially. To see what changed. Bobby's room was now Julie's room, and it honestly didn't change much. They're both simple. Luke was fascinated by a box he couldn't pick up on Julie's shelf, Alex was dazing into a photo on her dresser and attempting to grab it, while Reggie and I just sat on opposite sides of Julie's bed, taking in the changes. Next thing we know, Julie walks in.

"What are you doing in my room?" She sorta shouts.

"Uh oooh-" Reggie uttered to Alex.

"Uhh-" Alex squealed in a high pitch.

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke announced really quickly making up an excuse.

"This-" Julie waved her finger around, "This CAN'T happen. It's creepy!" She declared. "Get off my bed please." She asked Reggie and me, at least she said please? We hopped off her bed to respect her.

"Hey Julie-" Luke begins while raising his hand like we're in school, "What's in the box?"

"That's off limits." She made clear.

"Oh, okay okay. Girl stuff." Luke teased.

Julie folds her arms, "Oh, like butterflies and glitter?!" Reggie asks.

"Oh, come on!" Alex says.

"I'm sorry about them." I say to Julie knowing that box is just personal.

"It's none of your business." Julie said sharply to Luke, "And yes, there might be some glitter." She said looking to Reggie. Reggie smiled.

"Hey!" Alex said, picking up the photo on the dresser, "I actually picked something up." He said, making his way over to the bed with it. As soon as he finished his sentence, the photo dropped on her bed. "I dropped it." He said, disappointed.

"Is that your mom?" I asked Julie, looking at the photo without touching it.

"Yes and it's my favorite picture of us," She said walking to her bed and snatching it back, "so if you break it, I break you." She finished.

"Okay, well sorry cause we're kind of unbreakable at this point." Alex joked.

"I don't get it," Julie started, "you guys can mess up my bed, pick up your instruments, but you can't pick up other stuff."

"I know right, it's hard. But for some reason our instruments-" I said, waving my arms, "easy!"

"Yeah, like super easy." Reggie implied, "Oh! And check out what I learned today." Reggie said, holding out his arms. All of a sudden his bass was in his hands, the weight of it pulled him down onto the bean bag chair. How'd he do that?

"Yeah, that looked SUPER easy." Julie said sarcastically.

"It's like I always thought, our instruments are attached to our souls." Luke said.

There was footsteps coming to Julie's room, turns out its her dad. Reggie did a mini roll backwards off the chair, Luke, Alex and I all grabbed hands. Luke and Alex looked at one another and let go immediately. Those dorks.

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