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I need a date. That's what I immediately thought when I saw this stupid invitation in my emails. He's fucking getting married and how dare he invite me? Is he stupid or he just want to brag that he already found his the one and I'm still single and regrets that I rejected his marriage proposal.

"I'm not going," I said and tapped on different keys on my laptop. What if he thinks I'm a loser and I'm still not over him? God, this is frustrating. What does his girlfriend even look like? I bet he just picked another one who looks like me or what if it's someone better than me?

I buried my face in my hands and screamed. I still have 3 days to respond to that email and why am I even feeling nervous? I already moved on and I'm happy with my dog and my work.

But he's happy with his soon to be wife, Perrie.

Ugh, that's so true. If I ever show up there alone I will be everyone's laughing stock and how dare he get married in France? I told him that I wanna get married in France and now he's getting married in France?

Me being the adult I am decided to call Jesy since she's like a mother figure to me, after a few rings she finally picks up and her hoarse voice tells me that she's sleeping. What a bitch, she should worry with me.

[Perrie Fucking Edwards it's 3 in the morning what do you want?] No hi's or even a hello. I don't even know why I am friends with her.

[I need your help] I said and I heard her groan. Well, this is an emergency. I should've called 911 and tell them that I'm going to have a heart attack because soon I know I am going to have one.

[For what? You killed somebody and you want me to help you bury the body that's why you're calling at 3am?] She rudely said that made me pout. I will never kill somebody, maybe I will if I ever go to this stupid wedding alone.

[I'm checking my emails and saw this stupid invitation from Alex. He's getting married and it's in Paris. France! ] I dramatically said. Where did he even get that much money? What if he's going to marry his sugar mommy? Oh my god.

[Should I check mine too? I want to go to Paris] She said completely ignoring the fact that I'm freaking out right now. Why did I even call her again?

[Jesy!] I whined and she just laughed. Maybe I should just end this call with this girl since she's not helping me at all.

[I'll think of something, now I want you to end this call so I can go back to much more important things] She said and I ended the call without saying bye. Serves her right and now I can get my goodnight sleep since she's going to think for me.


"Wake up, curly!" Leigh with her annoying skillet clapping shouted. I groaned what a great way to wake up and have a good morning. Do you want to wake up early? Live with Leigh-anne.

"I'm awake and annoyed" I whispered and buried my face on the pillow. Another day at the stupid coffee shop and bossy customers that gets mad when you accidentally put two pumps of syrup instead of one.

"I'm going to meet my friend tonight since she wants to talk about something, you can come," She said and finally stopped from the annoying skillet clapping. I put my thumbs-up in the air and stood up to do all the morning rituals that only consists of me showering and changing clothes. Makeup is too tricky for me.

After doing everything in order and eating breakfast with Leigh, we finally made our way to the small coffee shop near our place. It's owned by someone with a J in her name but I forgot what is it. I've only been there for a few months.

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