i'll hold you

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I held her tighter in my arms as she buried her face deeper into my neck. She sounds so helpless and broken, every sob dugs deep on my heart. When I entered our room, all I saw was someone who's hurting. She's not the usual Jade right now, she's someone who needs comfort and love.

She jumped when she heard another firework from the outside. I squeezed her tighter to assure her that I'm here and that nothing bad will happen. She sniffled and settled herself in between my legs and pulled away to look at me straight in the eyes. Tear stains on her cheek and her bloodshot eyes are staring deeply into mine.

"You came back," She said without breaking our eye contact. I smiled and nodded, she nodded and buried her face on my neck again, "I don't want you to go" She mumbled and hugged my waist tighter. I shouldn't have forced her and be a bitch about the fireworks.

"You're afraid of them?" I asked and brushed her hair to her back using my hands. She shook her head, "I'm afraid that something bad will happen to you" She whispered into my neck. I didn't understand so I just nod.

We stayed like this for another ten minutes until the fireworks stopped. I felt sad that I missed it but I can't leave her alone here. She pulled away and wiped her face with her hands like a child. She shyly smiled and held my hand.

"I'm sorry you missed your fireworks" She shyly said and looked away. Honestly, the last thing I want to do right now is to watch the stupid fireworks, I just want to hold her so tight and tell her that nothing bad will happen, "It's okay, I will rather be with you" I said and gave her a peck. She nodded and got out of my lap, she sat beside me.

"Leigh and I used to hide in our bathroom when there's a firework outside" She whispered while looking at her other hand. I nodded and pulled her to get up. If she feels safe in the bathroom then we'll go in the bathroom. We stepped inside and didn't bother turning on the lights.

I plopped down the floor and she squeezed herself in between my legs, again. She rested her head on my chest like she's a two-year-old, "I hate fireworks" She mumbled and reached for a strand of my hair so she can play with it.

"Why?" I asked and brushed the strand of her hair that stuck on her face. I smiled at her even though I can't really see her face because it's dark. She sighed and I know she's contemplating about answering. I won't force her, she'll tell me when she's ready.


I looked at her straight in the eyes. I trust Perrie, so much. I know she won't hurt me and the way she caressed me in her arms, I know she cares for me. I brushed my finger on her smooth cheek and she just let me. Her blue eyes looking back at mine.

"When I was fifteen" I buried my face deeper on her chest to calm myself, being this close to her makes my heart flutter.


Back to the fifteen-year-old Jade. New years.

I looked at the big wall clock on the wall, duh. Seven more minutes and it's finally a new year. We didn't have a lot of food this year but Dad got me a small cake and my aunt brought us some of their food. We used to spend our new years out before, long ago. I stood up from our old and nasty couch to get myself some food. I scooped some mac and cheese into my plate and eat while standing up. We're supposed to eat together but he won't come out of his room, he's always in there.

"Jade?" I heard him called me from their room. I furrowed my brows, I'm not allowed to go in there because of "adult things". I walked over to the closed door and knocked. He opened it and he looks like a mess but I'm used to it. I just nod and entered his room. It smells like booze and smoke in here. I forced myself not to cough and sat on the bed instead.

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