up in the air

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I rolled my eyes when I saw the familiar blonde girl waiting for us outside the airport. I took out my one suitcase inside the trunk and my backpack. I didn't really bring a lot of things since I will make Perrie buy me shit. Good idea, Jade. Great job!

"Jesy!" Leigh shouted and jogged towards the two other girls while I just followed. My friend hugged Jesy and Perrie while I just stood there, smiling like an idiot.

"Are you guys ready?" Jesy asked us while her friend frowned. I rolled my eyes, she acts like she's the one that was forced to do this. If Leigh didn't give me five hundred dollars last night I won't do this.

"Jade, be careful okay?" Leigh whispered in my ear when she hugged me. I shyly smiled, the first time that I'm being away from her, "I'll try" I giggled and she smacked my arm.

"We're going! Bye lovebirds!" Jesy shouted and waved at us. I smiled and waved back and moved closer to my fake girlfriend, Perrie. She rolled her eyes at me, I'll probably have a great time just annoying her.

"If I know we're not going to see the Eiffel tower I will not do this," She said and we walked inside the airport. That's not my fault that when the invitation said France, she immediately thought of Paris. I don't know if she's stupid or something. Just kidding, I know she's stupid.

"And what are we even going to do on the beach? Swim?" I rolled my eyes. Obviously, we're going to swim or do shit about the sand there. If she doesn't shut up I'll definitely just go back to our apartment and sleep.

We waited for our flight to be called while she keeps on ranting about different things and I just ignored her. I don't have time for this, I put my earphones in my ear and played some music. Better.

"Hey, we're boarding next" She nudged my arm with her elbow and carried her two big suitcases. Why does she have so many? We're only staying there for five days!

We walked to the plane and I saw her face tensed when she sat next to me. I was sitting near the window and she's in the middle of me and a woman, probably in her 20s too.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded with her eyes closed, "Can you hold my hand?" She asked and shyly moved her hand closer to mine. I held her hand and it was soft and smooth. I smiled, Perrie Edwards is afraid of riding a plane.

We stayed holding hands just until the plane left the ground. She immediately let go of my hand like I have a disease and that kinda hurt. I just closed my eyes and pretended to sleep or maybe I'll sleep for real.

"Jade?" She called my name and I ignored it. She hummed and held my hand again, I opened my eyes and looked at her. She smiled at me, "Thank you" She said, almost whisper.

"Anything for my girlfriend" I laughed and I saw her face flushed. She's blushing, "Fake girlfriend" She nervously chuckled. Yeah, fake girlfriend.

"Do you like the beach?" She asked and rested her head on my shoulders. Okay, why is she so close to me? Is there something going on?

"Yeah, Leigh and I used to celebrate my birthday there" I smiled. Leigh is my one and only friend, best friend. She was there for me my whole life, I owe her a lot of things.

"I hated the beach" She pouted, "It's salty and has a lot of sand" Duh? Is she stupid? Nope, you need to be kind to her Jade if you don't want to get left in France, alone and broke. Be kind to Perrie.

"You can do a lot of things there you know like cliff diving and making sandcastles or bury your friend and forget about them" I joked and she laughed. I don't even find what I said funny but I just laughed with her, she's cute.

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