needs and wants

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I never knew that I will feel something like this towards Perrie, listening to her talk now feels different. It's boring and I just want to shove sand in her mouth to shut her up. I'm just watching her lips open and close while telling a story about herself and her stupid dog. I don't even know the rat's name.

"Then he can really do a lot of tricks" She animatedly said and grinned. I don't know where she got the audacity to act like nothing happened but it's sickening to hear her talk like she didn't cheat on me last night. It disgusts me.

"Are you listening?" She frowned when she realized that I'm currently planning her murder on my mind.

You're whipped you can't do that

"Sorry, babe I'm just imagining us playing with your dog" I faked a smile and cupped her face. She nodded and rested her head on my lap while I watch her friends play in the salty water, glaring at you know who.

I can't wait to go home and forget about everything that happened on this stupid beach. I don't want to say anything because if you're going to ask me? I don't have any rights, I'm not her real girlfriend. I'm just someone who needs money and agreed to this setup.

"Are you drooling on me or is it raining?" She asked, eyes still closed and wiping her cheeks. I faked a laugh and wiped the tears rolling down on my cheek, "Sorry" I mumbled and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from sobbing.

Everything just hits me at once, I can't be mad at her because we're not really together. She can do everything she wants and kiss whoever she wants and I shouldn't feel anything. I don't even think confronting her is fine because we're nothing. We're not even friends, we're forced to get along because we're lying.

"Jadey" She called and I looked at her beautiful face. I mentally rolled my eyes, why am I still complimenting her? God. I hummed as a response, "Play with my hair please" She whispered and shyly smiled. I nodded even though I know she can't see me. I brushed strands of her hair away from her face and started stroking her flawless hair. This is the last time that I'll ever do any of this, we're flying tomorrow night and I can finally get away from her.

I sighed because I know it's going to be hard, honestly, nothing is easy. I don't know how can I move on from all of this, she made me happy and broke my heart in a span of a week. I don't even know what to feel right now, my old self is probably laughing about how stupid she became. Liking someone without knowing her fully and letting them know about your ugly past is a bad decision.

"I need to go" I announced and carefully lift her head, quickly standing up and walking away. Making big steps and making my way to the house with tears flooding my face. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak and all I did this week is cry. I let my guard down because I thought Perrie is going to help me forget and be the better person that I can be.

I was wrong, so wrong.


I stood up and followed Jade, I know something is wrong. The way she talks and smiles is different, something changed and I don't know why. We're okay and she suddenly became gloomy and distant, maybe she's still sick or there's something on her mind and I would love to hear her thoughts. I don't want her to go through something alone and make her feel like there's no one there for her because I'm here.

I put my hand on my chest when I heard her slammed the door shut and that confirmed that something is wrong. I sighed and knocked on the wooden door, I don't want to just barge in.

"I'm going inside" I announced as I slowly turned the door handle and entered the room. My eyes landed on the girl seated on the edge of the bed, covering her face with her hands and shoulders going up and down. She's crying, "Are you okay?" I asked as I sat beside her and put my hand on top of hers. She didn't answer nor look at me.

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