memories of the past

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a flashback chapter.

Jade's – 10 years ago.

I stood there holding hands with my Aunt Grace as they started to lower his coffin on the ground. I nibbled on my lower lip, not knowing what to do. All I know is he's gone, forever. I looked at Leigh-anne across me and smiled at her. She's my first and only friend since we both have curly hair and was called a freak in school. She's a great singer and she's also loud.

After everything and everyone saying their "condolences" to me. I walked to my Aunt's car, I will be living with her and some of my things are already in their house. She has two children and I haven't met them. I didn't know why I can't just live alone, in our old house. I can take care of myself.

"Are you ready, Jade?" She asked as she stepped inside her car. I nodded and looked outside the window. A drop of water fell down on it. It's raining. I started nibbling on my bottom lip and tasted blood. My eyes widened when I saw the familiar scene in my mind. I shook my head and forced myself to stay calm.

"You okay?" She asked and looked at me through the rearview mirror. I mouthed yeah and focused on the things outside instead. I saw a little blonde girl playing with a dog. I don't know what kind of dog is that but I'm sure it's not a pug.


"Can I pet him?" I asked our neighbor but she snatched her dog away and it whimpered. Stupid. She walked away holding her puppy in her arms while I followed them through my gaze. I shrugged and walked back inside the house.

"Dad?" I poked his back to get his attention. This is more important than anything, "I want a puppy" I stated and put my arm on my hip. He laughed which made me frown. I'm serious.

"We can't have a puppy, it's too much work," He said and put his attention back to cooking our dinner, "But I'm nine" I reasoned out and crossed my arms. I just want to have a puppy like everyone in our neighborhood.

"Jade" He warned with his deep voice. I huffed before turning my back and going outside our backyard. I sat on the single swing and hummed a song. Maybe, I can get a puppy when I turn ten or eleven.

I stood up and looked at the crawling bug on the grass. It's ugly, like a pug. It has long horns that's why it's scary looking. I grinned, if I can't have a dog then I'll just make this bug a pet. I carefully scooped it from the grass and run back inside the house.

"Dad!" I shouted and put up my hand. He looked at me unamused, he's used to me being crazy but he loves me, "This is my pet bug" I stated and showed him the little creature in my hand. He laughed and ruffled my curly hair.

"That's a beetle, silly," He said while I frown. I don't care. It's my pet and I love it. I shrugged and walked over to my bedroom door, "Its name is Barry!" I shouted before turning the doorknob and entering my room.

end of flashback

I bit the inside of my lip instead, I'm fifteen and I never had a pet. Never. Leigh has a dog though and she shares it with me. It's a pug and it's cute. I continued looking outside until the car stopped. I opened the door and their house is nice, I guess. They have a lot of colorful flowers in their front yard.

"Let's go?" She asked me and I nodded before taking her hand. We walked inside and were greeted by shouting between a teen boy and a younger girl. She shushed them and made them sit on the couch.

"This is Jade, your cousin," She said and I waved at the both of them. The girl shook my hand while the boy just rolled his eyes and said whatever. My aunt tried to call his name but he just ignored it, rude.

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