the aftermath

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I woke up with the sun shining on my face and feeling my head twitch. Looking around, realizing that I'm not in France anymore. Three days ago, I returned to my real home. No, I haven't talked to Jade, she doesn't answer any of my calls or even answers my messages and I don't know where she lives. I even bribed Jesy to tell me where she is but she didn't say anything.

Everything went to shit, she just left. No, she begged me to let her go.


"I'm going home" Her voice cracked when she said the word home. I lifted my head and saw her standing up, reaching for her suitcases under the bed and opening the big dresser. My eyes widened as I tried to grab her hand, "Let's fix this Jade, I'm sorry" I said and put her in a tight embrace. I don't want all of this to end. Not yet and not like this.

"It's all my fault and I'm sorry" I sobbed as I burrowed my face on the crook of her neck. She sighed and carefully removed my arms from her waist, "Please, Perrie just let me go" She closed her eyes and let go of my hands.

"No" I firmly said and looked at her warm brown eyes, I wiped her tears away and cupped her face like I'm holding the world in my hand, "I will never ever let you go"

"Perrie, all of this is going to end soon so why should we wait and hurt each other more?" I shook my head and leaned in but she stopped me by putting her hands on my shoulders, "Please, I don't want to do this anymore"

end of flashback

Seeing her cry because of me made me hate myself. It was all my fault. I kissed my ex who's in a relationship and cheated on my girlfriend. That night she flew back to South shields with Alex's help, she didn't say anything except drive me to the airport. I watched her get inside the car with my broken heart, I didn't talk to anyone and just locked myself in my room to think.

She didn't believe me and I don't know why it meant nothing to me and I want us back. I stood up and started to get ready to go to Jesy's coffee shop, I know she'll be there.


I winced as I tried to down another shot of vodka in front of me, I don't care if everyone thinks I'm weird for being in the bar at nine in the morning. Leigh doesn't even know I left, we haven't really talked about anything. I just can't, I don't want her to hate Perrie.

"Jade, you're on your three-day streak congrats," Cooper said as he retrieved the small shot glass in front of me. Their bar has been my safe place for the last three days or nights. I stopped going to the coffee shop and I just hope they'll just fire me. I know Perrie will look for me there and I'm currently moving on so not good.

"You're lucky you're my friend or I'll just kick you out" He laughed as he placed another shot in front of me, "Do you want the whole bottle or?" He sarcastically asked when I immediately emptied the small glass in front of me. I nodded and hold my aching head. Shit.

"Look at our early bird, it's Monday and nine in the morning Jade we're still closed," Ryan said as he placed his bag on the corner, I stuck my tongue out and he sat next to me. They're here early to clean and tidy up the whole place but surprise! I'm here and I'm not going away.

"Still heartbroken eh?" He asked and ruffled my hair, I shook my head as I patiently waited for another drink. I will be broke after all of this and I'll regret it all but it's okay.

"You should go home," Cooper said and handed me the half-empty bottle of vodka. I would love to but I can't, not like this. Leigh will hate me because of what I am doing with my life. I'm a useless jobless broke bitch, "Can't"

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