awkward dinner

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I decided to go inside since Perrie is enjoying her alone time. I don't have anything fun or productive to do so I'll just sleep. I jumped on the bed and spread my arms, god it's so soft and comfy.

Not as soft and comfy as Perrie's lips.

I groaned. Why am I still thinking about that stupid fake kiss and how can lips even be comfy? I looked at the ceiling and bit my lip. It's all fake, Jade. All fake. My eyes widened when I heard the doorknob clicked. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Whoever is it is invading my alone time.

"Jade, wake up" I felt the left side of the bed collapse and Perrie slightly shaking my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes. God, I should be an actress, "What?" I rolled my eyes and she huffed at me.

"We're having dinner tonight," She said before getting up. Yay, food! "You can change your clothes if you want," She said before entering our room's bathroom. I don't want to but I will since I can't look like a mess at our first dinner. I stood up and looked through our small closet.

I snickered when I saw my pink hoodie that says send nudes on it. Good choice, Jade so brilliant. I stripped out of my clothes and I stood there in my bra and shorts. Should I just wear my sneakers or–

"Holy shit!" Perrie shouted and covered her eyes with both of her hands. I immediately put on my hoodie and sighed. She just saw me half-naked. Help, "You can look now," I said, almost whisper. My cheeks are heating up so I turned my back.

"Are you ready?" I asked and pretended to look for my sneakers under the bed. I didn't even put them under there. *facepalm* I shook my head and walked over to the door where my shoes are. Embarrassing.

"Let's go" She smiled and opened the door. My mouth fell open but I quickly closed them. That white dress that she is wearing is stunning! It looks good on her. She's perfect.

I nodded before walking past her. We can only act intimate in front of her friends and we're alone. I groaned when I remember that I don't even know where are we eating. I walked back and held Perrie's hands.


Jade's hands are soft and the way that she brushes her thumb on the back of my hand is comforting. A small smile formed on my face as we started to walk to the near bistro where we are going to have our dinner. I still can't believe that I saw her half-naked. Her toned abs and those boo–

"Perrie!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and faced the small curly girl beside me. I frowned, "What?" I saw her roll her eyes and pout.

"Where are we going to eat?" She asked and put her hand on her hip. She acts like a child and looks like a child, "Why? Are you on a diet or something?" I asked and she tilted her head like she's thinking of something.

"I'm on a seafood diet" She grinned and scratched the back of her neck. What the hell is a seafood diet?

"What?" We're supposed to go to a bistro and I feel like there's no seafood in there, "When I see food, I eat it" She said and snickered. That's not even funny. I rolled my eyes and didn't answer.

I dragged her to the place and I can hear her mumble some profanity. She's such a child! We entered the place and it was beautiful. There are small candles and red roses on every table.

"Pez!" A smile formed on my face. Finally, I'm hungry. I dragged Jade to our table and sat beside Ashley and Ellie. The boys are across us and they're looking at something on Alex's phone, "Hi, Pez" Alex waved at me and I smiled at him.

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