unanswered questions

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"We need to end this, Jade" My gaze turned to the blonde girl in front of me. I shook my head, I don't want to lose her. Never.

"Why?" That's all that came out of my mouth. I love her, a lot. I can't afford to see her with someone else. I reached for her hand and brought it to my chest, "I just used you to get Alex back and now we're together again" She coldly said and snatched her hand away. Tears started falling down my eyes, again. I don't want to lose her.

I plopped down on the floor and kneeled while looking straight at her eyes, "Please" I begged but she just looked away. I don't care if I look desperate. I don't care if she's just using me to get back to him. I don't care if loving her can kill me.

I watched her walk away with my shattered heart. She never love nor like me, she just used me but why can't I hate her? I loved her too much that even hating her hurts me. I tried to shout her name but no words came out.

I love you, Perrie.

I woke up with the sun shining on my face and tears rolling down my eyes that I irritably wiped away. Why am I crying for someone who doesn't care for me? She broke me.

I sat up and looked at the girl sleeping beside me, her hands on my stomach and a peaceful look plastered on her face. I felt my eyes dampening as I tried to reach for her face. I closed my eyes as I slowly pulled my hand away. I don't want to be near her, I want to get away and not see her ever again. I want to forget about these stupid feelings.

I rolled out of bed and changed into my workout clothes. I didn't bother waking her up as we used to, afraid that I'll hear every lie that will come out of her mouth today. I shivered when I got out of the house, it was cold and peaceful, the cold breeze making my curly hair flow on my face. I started to jog away, not knowing where I would go or how long can I distance myself from her since we live in the same house, in the same room, and sleeping in the same bed.

The sun hasn't risen yet and I would love to watch it with her but we all know that I can't and that I'm not the one who she wants to be with. How can I even think that she likes me back? She always compares me to her ex who I thought I'm starting to be friends with.

Fucking traitor.

I frustratedly kicked the rocks as I plopped down on the warm sand, covering my face with both of my hands trying to stop the stupid tears from falling. I can't cry because of her, I don't want to cry. I can feel my heart clenched as I grit my teeth to stop any sob from coming out of my mouth. I feel helpless and alone. Empty.

"Girl, you okay?" A guy asked and put his hand on my shoulder as I tilted my head to look at him, "What's your name?" I asked and he smiled at me, trying to flirt.

"Jordan" He answered and put out his hand that made me mentally roll my eyes. Boys. They'll take advantage of you on your most vulnerable times, "Fuck off Jordan, I have a girlfriend" I hissed and he frowned before walking away, mumbling something.

I will never be like her. I will never cheat on someone that loves me unconditionally.


I extended my arms to look for the warmth of her body only to found out that she's not beside me. I frowned, this is the first time that I woke up without her by my side and without knowing where she was. I don't even know if she's still sick. I'm guilty. I hate that I kissed someone that's in a relationship while I'm in a relationship too. I fucked up but I'll try to fix it. I may not tell her now but I know I will find the courage soon.


"No, we can't" I slightly pushed him away and wiped my lips. I can't cheat on Jade, she doesn't deserve it. I don't want to hurt her when she trusted me.

"I'm sorry, Pez" He mumbled and I just nodded, I don't know what to say. We fucked up, "Let's just forget about it" I sighed and he agreed by smiling at me.

The fireworks finally stopped and the only person that comes to my mind is Jade. She can't be alone but I don't know how can I face her right now, I hate this feeling.

"I need to tell you something" I sighed, there's no point in lying and he's the only one who can help me. We're best friends before we got together, "Jade and I aren't really together" I said and looked away, not wanting to see him get mad or make fun of me for being so desperate.

"I know" He chuckled which made me looked at him, brows furrowed and scrunched nose. He's really something, "How?" I asked and he just shook his head while laughing. I really can't hide something from him.

"But I also know that you're starting to like her, for real" He nodded and ruffled my hair. I swat his hand, "I'm really sorry for kissing you, Pez I got carried away" He smiled and I did the same. We can just forget about it. It's nothing. It doesn't mean anything for both of us.

"I want to ask Jade to be my girlfriend, for real this time" I would love to call her my girlfriend and be with her when we go back to our old lives. I want to start a new one with her because God knows I'm used to her by my side, cuddling me to sleep.

"You should, I can tell that she likes you too" I high-fived him as he put his arms across my shoulder, it didn't send shivers on my spine and sure didn't make my heart flutter. I've moved on from him and I know that Jade is the only one that I want to love right now.

"I want it to be romantic like in the movies" I pouted and scoot closer to him, "I want to bring her to Paris," I said and looked at him.

end of flashback

I smiled at the thought of our conversation last night. We can extend the trip and I can spend another week with Jade, cuddling and snuggled together. I will try and fix everything because that's what she deserves. She deserves the whole world and I would love to give her that but I need to find out where the hell is Jade right now, she didn't wake me up and I'm sure I didn't feel any goodbye kiss when I was asleep. I rolled out of bed before getting my clothes and heading to the shower.

After doing everything, I walked out of the room and saw the woman that I like, eating breakfast with Kyle and Ashley. Her eyes landed on mine and she gave me a small smile.

"I'm hungry" I pouted and sat beside Jade who quickly stood up and smiled at all of us, a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "Need to shower, bye babe," She said and kissed me on the cheek before walking away. I nodded and got myself a plate of slices of bacon and eggs.

"We're going to swim" Ashley announced as she shoves a slice of whole bacon inside her mouth, "Jade is coming" She added which made me roll my eyes. I wanted to take her out today, maybe go to a restaurant or somewhere, alone.

"I'm taking her out on a date" I pouted but they just laughed at me like they didn't ruin what Alex and I planned last night. We're going to drive to Paris tomorrow instead of flying back home and spend another three days in Paris where I'll ask Jade to be my girlfriend.

I stood up and put my plates on the sink before walking back to our room but Jade is still in the shower. I patiently waited for her to got out since I didn't get the chance to cuddle with her last night because she's already asleep.

If she can only hear what I said last night.

Kissing Alex made me realize how much I really like my curly-haired girlfriend, she's the only one who can make my heart pound against my chest and make the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. Her laughter won't leave my brain and all I dreamt about is how she makes me happy. I will never forgive myself if I ever hurt her and I know that what happened last night is my biggest mistake that I can never take back. All I can do is try and fix everything but not now. I can't tell her right now, not when she's just starting to trust me. I fucked up when she's starting to warm up to me and I don't know how she'll react if she knows about what happened.

I felt a single tear roll down my eyes, I can't even use the excuse of being drunk because clearly, I wanted it. I don't know why but I kissed him back. For what? It didn't make me happy. I never felt anything but why did I kiss him?


filler chapter :D

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