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"You want to go inside?" I asked Jade who's currently writing our names on the sand and starting to sober up. She groaned and stepped back when another wave crashed and ruined whatever she's doing.

"No, pezza" I raised a brow when I heard another nickname from her. Pezza, I like that. I just nodded and watched her carefully use the shell that she found to write our names on the sand.

Our clothes are already dry and I think we should really change into our pajamas. I don't even know what time is it, "Jadey, come on" I stood up and walked over to her.

Jadey likes Pezza

"You like it?" She asked and grinned. I do, a lot but I won't tell her that. She's already smug and I don't think agreeing with her will help, "You need to work on your handwriting" I commented that made her look at me, her eyebrows forming a straight line and a confused look on her face.

"Fuck you" She rolled her eyes and walked away. Rude. I stopped myself from cackling and followed her inside. She was already getting her change of clothes and ignoring me.

I hugged her from the behind and laughed, "You're such a baby" She just scoffed and tried to remove my hand that's encircled on her waist, "I love it" I gave in and she faced me, our nose touching each other.

"I'm your baby" She whispered and closed the small gap between us, "Go take a bath" She handed me the hoodie and shorts after pulling away. I grinned and walked inside the shower. She's too sweet for me. I shook my head and covered my face with my hands.

"I like you, Jade so much," I whispered and stripped off my clothes. I entered the shower and let the hot water run all over my body.

Jade. How can I even take her off my mind? She's making me go crazy and I'm loving it. Can we just stay here and forget about our old lives? I don't want all of this to end. Day by Day she's starting to get a hold of me. I'm obsessed but the good kind. All of the little things she does make me smile.

After taking a shower, I changed into the hoodie and shorts that Jade picked for me. I took a long shower because I keep on thinking about her. I frowned when I saw her almost asleep on the chair.

"Baby, wake up you need to change," I whispered and pat her arm. She nodded and reached for her clothes on the bed and entered the shower.

I reached for my phone and scrolled through a lot of Instagram posts and also texted Jesy and Leigh for updates while waiting for Jade. Maybe we can take a trip somewhere just the two of us. We're going on a date. That's what we're going to do tomorrow.

I looked at her as she walked over to her side of the bed and let herself fall on it. She moved closer to me with her back turned. I grinned, she wants to cuddle.

"Hug me" She demanded when I didn't do anything. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around her waist, her back touching my chest and her hair is on my face.

"Don't sleep yet, let me dry your hair" I said and removed my arms from her. She groaned and sat up. I stood up and reached for the blower, walked back to bed, and plugged it in.

"I'm so tired" She mumbled while I continue working on her hair. Her head was on my lap and I can see that her eyes are shut, her mouth ajar. She's breathing heavily. My poor baby.

"Done," I said and she smiled before moving back to her sleeping position. I laid back on the bed and she immediately snuggled back into me, "Goodnight, Pezza" She whispered and squeezed my hand that's on her stomach.

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