no. no. no.

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"P, baby wake up" I felt someone placed a kiss on my cheek. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes before completely opening them. My neck hurts.

"She sleeps like a stone" I heard someone chimed in, I frowned. I don't. I sat up and saw Jade with a big smile on her face so I leaned in and stole a quick peck. She smiled and pointed at my back. Alex is holding all of our paper bags.

I stepped out of the car and waited for Jade so I can hold her hand. She stepped out of the car and put out her hand so I can hold it, I grinned when I saw the white bracelet on her wrist. We walked back to our house while Alex is ahead of us since he's the one carrying all of the bags. I just wished I bought that hoodie, I really think it's cute and I want to give it to Jade.

We entered the house and thanked Alex for helping us before bringing all the bags into our room. I didn't buy a lot of things just a few shirts from different stores and some snacks since I don't know if we can ever go back to that convenience store. I looked at Jade and she's already face first in the bed. She must be so tired.

"Jadey, change your clothes first," I said and got myself some change of clothes. I got myself a tie-dye pajama before entering the bathroom. I changed into my clothes and Jade is still laying on the bed but she's not asleep. She's looking at her phone.

"My turn," She said and set her phone down on the nightstand before standing up. She got herself a change of clothes and entered the bathroom. My sight focused on the small rectangle on the nightstand. We're in a relationship so I can look through her phone, right?

I grinned when I saw our faces as her lock screen. It was the picture of her kissing my cheek and I was making a funny face. Her phone doesn't have any password so I just looked through her photos. There are just 300 pictures in it and they're mostly from the trip today then some baby pictures and pictures with Leigh.

I placed it down and took mine out from my backpack. I looked through our photos today and I didn't even know that I captured so much. Most of it was Jade, not knowing that I'm taking pictures of her. She's beautiful.

I can't wait to watch the fireworks with her tonight. I want to see her smile while looking at the colored sky. Oh god, I sound so whipped.

"Can't wait to sleep" She said when she got out of the bathroom. Her pajamas are really cute, she's wearing a blue one with paws in it. I pouted, she can't go to sleep. We're going to watch fireworks tonight.

"Don't" I said and wrapped my arms on her waist, she chuckled and sat on the bed, "Do you want to watch tv?" She asked and ruffled my hair. I nodded, arms still on her waist. I like it here, I just wish I can smell her.

"Do I smell good?" I asked and she looked at me with confusion written on her face, "I can't smell" I pouted and she made an "aw" sound. She removed my head from her lap and lay on the bed, I followed her and rested my head on her stomach.

"You smell good" She simply answered, "You know the feeling of finally being with someone you love after a long day?" She asked and I got confused. I don't even know what does she mean.

"Huh?" I asked and looked at her but her gaze is on the ceiling, a huge smile on her face, "You smell like comfort, Perrie" She answered and finally met my eyes. Brown orbs stare right into mine, her eyes are beautiful. It tells a lot of stories.

"Every time you walked out of the bathroom the whole room is filled with your scent because god only knows if you shower using your perfume" She laughed and stroked my hair. Comfort. That's what I smell like. I guess?

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