your lips on mine

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw a head on my arms and a leg on my stomach. I furrowed my brows, how did she get in that position?

I carefully sat up so I won't wake up the beautiful girl beside me. She looks so peaceful and benign when she's sleeping but I like her better when she's awake and annoying me. I removed her legs from my stomach and carefully set her head on the pillow. She didn't even budge.

"Morning, Jadey" I mumbled and placed a kiss on her cheek before standing up. We're having breakfast at the other house today and they said we're going to light fireworks tonight!

I did all my morning rituals and changed into my light blue beach dress and Jade, she's still sleeping. Her sleeping position changed and her mouth is ajar. I sat on the bed and tapped on her shoulders, she needs to wake up and get ready.

"Leigh, please" she begged and covered her face with her hands. She turned her back and gripped the blanket closer, "Jade, wake up" I whispered and slightly shook her arms.

"God, let me sleep!" She shouted and pushed my hand away from her arms. I pouted, if she doesn't want to wake up then we'll do it the hard way, "Jade, wake up or else" I warned her and moved my foot closer to her back. She showed me her hand and flipped me off. That's my cue so I kicked her.

"Fuck!" I looked down and saw her rubbing her back. She glared at me before standing up, "Why did you kick me?" She innocently asked while rubbing her eyes. I smirked and reached for my phone on the nightstand.

"Go get ready we're having breakfast at the other house," I said without averting my gaze on my phone. There's a message from my Mom, Jesy, and Leigh so I replied to all of them except my Mom. She keeps on forcing me to go to the US and be a model.

After scrolling through a lot of insta posts and celebrity gossip, Jade finally got out of the bathroom. She's wearing a white see-through halter dress. I frowned, she wants everybody to look at her beautiful and perfect bod- Okay. Breathe, Perrie.

"Let's go, I'm hungry" She crossed her arms and faced the mirror to put on some lipgloss. I stood up and opened the door, she grinned and grabbed my hands, "Come on!"

We walked to the other house, it's not really that far. I don't know why she's such in a hurry. She knocked on the door and we're greeted by Ashley and her big hugs.

"You guys are always late" She joked and led us to the small table that just fits the seven of us. Jade sat beside me while we wait for the food to be cooked. She's making funny faces and fake glaring at me.

"Stop" I giggled and playfully slapped her face, she pursed her lips and leaned in. I pouted so I can kiss her but she just licked my cheeks, "bleh" She stuck her tongue out and scrunched her nose. Cute.

"Okay, lovebirds it's too early" Kyle laughed and shook his head. I felt my cheeks heating up, I'm too comfortable with flirting with Jade than I am with Alex before.

"After breakfast, we're going to a garden" Ellie enthusiastically said and clapped her hands, "Baby, what is it called?" She asked Franco with her brows knit together.

"Les Jardins something like that" He answered and flipped the pancakes that he's cooking. She nodded and faced us again. I looked around, there's only six of us here.

"Where's Alex?" I asked and I felt Jade squeezed my hand. She raised a brow and looked at me with a confused face, "He's face timing Kara" Ellie answered and turned her attention back to her phone. I nodded and speaking of the devil. Alex comes in with his phone in his hand and a huge smile on his face. He really loves her.

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