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I watched her as she walked away from me. That shit hurt me more than it should but it's the truth and I just have to accept it. Maybe, it's my fault too for being a little jealous by the way she looked at him but can you blame me? I'm supposed to be her girlfriend yet she doesn't look at me the way she looked at him.

I walked to the seashore and just lay there. Small waves crashing against my feet. A small smile formed on my face, it's comforting. I stared at the heavens above me, it's full of stars and the moon is big.

I did go below the belt but I don't know what to do. I never had a girlfriend before and I'm afraid that they'll know that we're lying about liking each other.

I don't want her to look like a loser that's why I'm doing this but why am I being the bad guy? She's right though, I don't have many friends because I'm like this. All I have is Leigh-anne and my hopes of us being close to each other are gone. She hates me. I wiped the single tear that fell down my eye. Sometimes crying is good but why am I crying?

Because she's right.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I know she doesn't want to see me right now and I understand that.


"Happy birthday, Jade" Leigh took the blindfold off my eyes and my eyes widened. It's beautiful. I hugged her so tight that she can't breathe. I missed the feeling of being loved and taken care of.

"Thank you, Leigh" I sobbed and she rubbed my back. I really thought she forgot since my birthday isn't really important but she brought me to the beach! It's my first time going to the beach since my Dad never bothered to take me before. He said that he hates the sand and the way the water tastes but he's lying. It's beautiful!

"You're finally 17!" She squealed and dragged me to the small blanket that's spread on the sand, "Mom and Dad said they're going to pick us up at 11" Leigh scrunched her nose and opened a box of pizza.

"It's beautiful, right?" She nudged my arm and pointed at the stars above us. I slowly nodded. Little diamonds twinkling and lighting up the dark sky.

end of flashback

I bit my lip as I remembered the memory of my seventeenth birthday. Stars and moon are supposed to be happy, they're lighting up the dark and lonely heavens above. I stood up, maybe it's time to go back. I don't want Perrie to worry that I'm missing or something.

I walked back to our house and her friend is still out meaning there are only two of us here. I entered the room and saw the blonde one laying on the left side of the bed. I want to apologize but I don't know-how. I'm afraid that she'll hate me more if I continued to be like this.

"Jade?" She called me. I just hummed as an answer because I don't really know what to say. I'm not familiar with this kind of thing, Leigh and I always get along and we don't even need to say sorry to each other.

"I'm sorry for saying that" She sighed and sat up, I sat beside her and shyly smiled. She put her hand on top of mine, "Do you want to go out?" She asked and grinned. I nodded. Why not?

"You'll pay for anything, right?" I smirked, at least we're okay now. She playfully rolled her eyes before standing up. I grabbed her hand, "I'm sorry too" I whispered and finally let go. She just shrugged and dragged me to go outside.

We wandered around the place away from our beach house and finally found the near convenience store. Maybe, I'll get ice cream since I didn't finish or even enjoy the dessert from our dinner. We entered the store and Perrie quickly walked to the chips aisle and I followed her. I want to hold her hand but I don't want her to think deeply into it.

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