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I rolled my eyes before snatching the cup from her hand. She's currently knocked out on the couch just like the others. Alex and I are barely functioning. He's starting to clean while I'm having a problem with how can I bring this girl back to our house. She's snoring like a baby and hiding her face using a pillow.

"Jadey, wake up" I crouched down and shook her arms. She removed the pillow from her face and shook her head, "Don't wanna" she slurred and hid her face again.

I looked at Alex who finished cleaning and he just laughed at me. I forced myself not to roll my eyes because I'm afraid they'll get stuck or something so I turned my attention back to the curly and sticky-haired girl.

"Jade, come on" I slightly smacked her arm but she just groaned and flipped me off. I huffed, "Don't. do. that." I swat her hand away from my face.

"You lied" She whispered and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I furrowed my brows, What did I do?


"You stole the chips" A tear fell down her eye but she irritably wiped it. I rolled my eyes, I completely forgot about that and it's not my fault, "Okay, I'm sorry" I said and she smiled at me.

She sat up and squinted her eyes to look around, her brows furrowed when she turned her gaze back to me. She cupped my face, "There are two Perries" She whispered.

"Yes, now let's go home," I said and pulled her to stand up. She nodded and put her arms across my shoulder, she's heavy. I helped her to maintain her balance and bid our goodbyes to Alex.

We haven't taken a step yet but we already stumbled because Jade decided to reach for hee cup on the table. I groaned and dragged her outside.

"No, my cup!" She shouted and tried to open the door, "Perrie, my cup" She whispered and knocked on the closed door.

"Jade, we'll get it tomorrow" I lied. We're staying home tomorrow and talk about how she told me not to get drunk but she's the one who's giving me a hard time right now.

"Sure?" She asked softly and put out her pinky, I nodded and locked our pinkies together. She clapped and tried to take a step but fell on the sand instead, "Fuck" She bleat but didn't bother standing up. She just stayed there, face first in the sand.

I helped her get up but she just sat before putting both of her hands up like she's asking me to carry her. I'm taller than her but I'm not sure if I can carry her without killing both of us.

"I can't, Jadey," I said and pulled her to get up instead. She pouted and crossed her arms, "No" She shook her head. God, we're still here and it's supposed to be five minutes walk.

"Come on" I rolled my eyes and tried to carry her, bridal style. She giggled when I finally lifted her from the ground, she clung her arms to my neck, "You smell nice" She said and sniffed my neck.

"Thanks. Someone said I smell like comfort" I smiled and kissed her cheek. After days of thinking about what she said, I finally got it, I think.

"You do but you smell like alcohol right now. Did you drink?" She asked and tried to look at me. Her big brown eyes met mine and a small smile formed on her lips, "I'll take care of you if you're drunk" She said and poked my cheek.

I furrowed my brow when I felt something wet drop on my face. Did she spit on me?

"Perrie, stop you're drooling on me" She groaned and wiped her cheeks. I looked at the sky, it's raining. I didn't know it rains on the beach but I guess it does, "It's raining Jade"

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