drunk in love

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"We look cute," I said and clung my arms to her neck. I kissed her cheek and took a quick photo.

"Can we drop the hat?" She frowned while looking at herself in the mirror for the nth time. I rolled my eyes, she looks cute with it, "No" I firmly answered.

"Perrie, please don't drink a lot," She said and pulled me closer to her. I shook my head and stole a quick peck. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. She is so cute.

"Why? I missed being drunk and embarrassing myself" I pouted. I would love to be taken care of by Jade when I'm drunk, I know she'll make me feel better.

"I'll drown you" She whispered in my ear and I know I should be scared but there's something in the way that she said it. I giggled and faced her, "I would love that" I winked.

She rolled her eyes before pulling away. She looked at herself in the mirror, again. I don't know why she's insecure about what she looks like because honestly, she's perfect.

"Let's go" I entwined our hands and walked out of the room. I shivered when the cold air brushed through my shoulders suddenly this outfit isn't cute and I would rather wear a hoodie instead. I moved closer to Jade and she put her hands on my waist, "It's cold, eh?" She laughed and blew air on my cheeks. Her breath is warm.

We reached the other house and they're already preparing everything inside. They decorated the place and Alex's name was spelled on the balloons. It looks like a birthday party but for adults. There are underwear hanging from the ceiling and a disco ball that's hurting my eyes.

"Pez! We will get wasted tonight!" Ashley shouted and hold up a bottle of alcohol that she's placing on the table. I laughed and sat on the couch while the boys called Jade. I stared at her casually laughing with them. She doesn't hate Alex anymore, thank god.

"Should we play spin the bottle or never have I ever?" Ellie asked holding an empty bottle in her other hand and her phone in the other. She's in charge of the music and she sure is taking it seriously.

"Spin the bottle," Franco said and whispered something in Jade's ears. She laughed and smacked his arms. I didn't know they're close but okay. I walked towards them and grasp Jade's hands, "Can I have my girlfriend back?" I raised a brow and they laughed. I sound so possessive, God.

"Get your asses here!" Ashley shouted and sat on the floor, she placed the bottle in the middle and the others followed. We sat on the floor and Kyle handed us a tall red cup with a blue drink inside, "This is strong" Jade whispered after sniffing her cup.

The game started and thank god, the bottle hasn't stopped on me yet. The truth and dare's that they're asking are too explicit and funny at the same time. I gulped when the bottle's lip pointed at Jade.

"Jade, truth or dare?" Alex asked and looked at Jade. She smirked at him and bit her lip, "Dare" She winked but didn't break their eye contact.

"I want you to perform a lap dance for Pez" He winked and Jade nod at him like they're using telepathy to talk to each other. That's kinda creepy, why does my ex-boyfriend want my current girlfriend to perform a lap dance for me?

"That's creepy, dude" Kyle said and punched Alex's arm. He just laughed and pointed at Jade, "She told me to say it" Jade snickered. They're drunk, really drunk. I don't even know how many times did they refill each other's cups.

"Let's do it!" She shouted and moved her cup closer to her mouth. She emptied her drink and stood up, "You! play the music!" She slurred and pointed at Ashley's head. I rolled my eyes, she told me not to drink a lot so she can get wasted. Great.

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