another night

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I giggled as I watched her blew a kiss and run towards me. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know what will I do without her. She became a part of me, a part that I will never forget and will forever love.

"Jadey, come on," She said and pulled my hand to go wherever she wants to. I'm not complaining, she can bring me to hell and I will be happy because I'm with her, "It's pretty right?" She asked when we entered the woods. My mouth gape, everything was green and surrounded by flowers. Butterflies are flying around and resting on our shoulders.

"It's beautiful!" I blurted out and let go of her hand to look around, "I love that you liked it, Jade" She smiled and walked over to me to grasp my hand again.

I nodded and crouched down to look at the little white flowers with yellow in the middle. Perrie did the same and smiled at me. I grinned and pick out one flower and tuck it in her ear, "Pretty" I blew her a kiss and tapped on the tip of her nose. She giggled and I heard heaven. I can listen to her laugh all day and I'll never get tired of it. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

"Come on, I'm going to show you something" She stood up and we walked away from the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. We just kept on walking until we reached a cliff. I looked down and felt my legs getting wobbly, it's so deep and I'm sure you can never go back if you ever fall there.

"You let me go, Jade" I furrowed my brows and looked at her, tears streaming down her face as she tried to reach for me. I held out my hand but suddenly I wasn't there anymore.

I'm falling in the deep cliff and there's no one for me to hold on to. I'm falling to the deepest and darkest place, alone. I tried to reach for anything but I failed, I just keep on going down for what felt like years. Shouting and begging for someone to help me but no on-

I sat up and was greeted by darkness, it's already night time and my head is aching. I wiped the sweats on my forehead and took a deep breath, reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand and quickly gulping it down. That was a really weird dream and I already forgot most of it.

My gaze fell on my phone that's been beeping and vibrating for I don't how long, I groaned when I saw who's making my phone explode. Perrie.

Perrie [01:35]
Jade, I'm drunk please picj me up

Perrie [01:35]

Perrie [01:36]
Jade please I need you right now. I'm drunk and everything is spinninh

Perrie [01:40]
Reallly, Jade?

Perrie [01:40]
Don't you care about mw? Pleasd?

Perrie [01:41]
Jadw? Are yoi really playign thus game?

Perrie [01:42]
Answer me, Jade duck!

Perrie [01:43]

Perrie [01:46]

Perrie [01:47]
I like yoi Jade believe mw

Perrie [01:50]

Perrie [01:51]
I unsdertand

Perrie [01:52]
Okay! If yoi don't want to thewn Ill jusy ask Jesus to picj me up!

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