sand and smiles

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I stared at the sleeping girl beside me, her curls are covering her face and she looks so peaceful. I tucked the strand of her curls on her ear. I like her. I am sure that I like her but I don't know if she feels the same.

Last night when I was holding her in my arms, our hearts are so close to each other and I can feel the heat from her body. Her sobs and sniffles give an ache in my heart and how we ended our night with a kiss. It felt different, so different. I don't know what to say after everything that happened. It was too fast but all I know is, I met the real Jade.

I remembered thinking about how much of a smug and an ass she is. I hated the way she smirks and how annoying she is but last night, all I can think about is how vulnerable she really is. How soft she is on the inside.

She deserves the whole world.

I can't imagine how hard her life has been. She's been through a lot that even I can't handle. She's young and alone. She had to hide every pain because she doesn't have anyone on her side except Leigh. I smiled, Jade is a lovable person. I hugged her tighter until I can feel her breath on my face. She smiled a little and put her hand on my waist.

"Wake up" I whispered that I regret because I haven't brushed my teeth yet. She nodded and opened her eyes, "Morning" She whispered and kissed my lips. I pulled away and stood up. I need to brush my teeth.

"We're going swimming or surfing or something about cliffs today," I said and she just groaned. I wanted to stay in bed too but we have to enjoy our stay here. I did everything that I had to do and changed into my one-piece swimsuit then topped it with a shirt and shorts. I gave Jade her blue ones and she entered the bathroom to change or shower.

She got out wearing the shirt paired with white shorts and a huge smile on her face. I can't believe that she's the same person that I'm talking to last night because if I was her, I don't know how can I move on with my life. 

"I'm hungry," She said and sat on my lap, she placed a kiss on my cheek and giggled. I nodded before standing up, I don't know how to cook anything but I can try.

We walked to the kitchen with our hands entwined together. She sat on the counter and if I am my Mom, I'll tell her to get down but she's too adorable so I will let her. I looked at the fridge and thank god it was stocked with a lot of food.

"Do you like scrambled or sunshine eggs?" I asked and kept on looking at the fridge. There are strawberries and blueberries inside. I took out the strawberries and two eggs while Jade just watched with a grin on her face. She must've thought I know how to cook or something.

"They're called sunny side up" She snickered and I furrowed my brows at her. That's what I said! I rolled my eyes and reached for the pan. I placed it on the stove and poured some oil. I cracked the first egg. Fail. I cracked the second one. Fail. All I have right now is a mess on the counter and a rumbling stomach!

"Fuck this!" I shouted while Jade just continued to laugh with her hands on her stomach. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed another two eggs.

I cracked the first one and thank god, it's okay. The second one is uh, let's just say there are a few shells in it but it's edible. I looked at Jade while we waited for the eggs to cook. Nothing is happening.

"Nothing's happening" She commented and pointed at the pan. Yeah, nothing is happening. The eggs just stay there, drenched in oil.

"There's no fire" She added and rolled her eyes. I looked under the pan, there is no fire. I forgot to turn on the stupid stove. I turned it on and voila, the eggs are now frying themselves. I tried to flip it and failed, I will never do this again.

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