coupled up

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The kiss.

I looked at Perrie and she smiled at me before turning her attention back to her food. We're having lunch right now but my legs are still shaking and my stupid heart is still pounding against my chest. When I looked into her eyes, I felt something that I know I shouldn't feel. Her calming blue eyes and her pink lips. That's all that I can think of before she leans in.

I broke one of the rules.

We agreed that we wouldn't be intimate with each other when we are alone. I'm afraid and delighted at the same time. Afraid that I'll feel something deeper than I should and delighted that I can hold and kiss her without saying anything. I played with my small piece of corn and bit my lip. I'm always ready for food and I feel like I'm hungry but I can't force myself to eat.

"You don't like it?" She asked and pointed at my steak with her fork. I shook my head, it's lovely and I finished half of it but the kiss won't leave my mind.

When I felt her lips on mine, it's like she tells me that she loves me. That this is all true and we're not faking anymore but I know she still likes her ex and he still likes her. I feel like everyone around us is stupid, they don't see how they look and talk to each other. I saw her emotions changed when she heard him talking to his fiancée and how she immediately noticed that he's missing.

I chewed on my steak that was on my mouth for about a minute now. Her friends are at the same table and they're all talking to each other. I'm not really close with them so I don't mind being left out.

"How about you, Perrie?" Ellie asked and Perrie shrugged. They're talking about their future and I bet all of them are rich or something, "No, I don't want to model. Never" She rolled her eyes.

"Why? You got the looks and the body" Alex said and Perrie shyly smiled. See, they still feel something about each other and they're just hiding it by saying they're friends. Fuck that, they can't fool me.

Why the hell are you jealous, Jade? She can flirt with whoever she wants and it's none of your business.

I sipped on my juice and stared at the blonde one across me. She's having fun and there's a huge smile on her face.

"How about you Jade? Any plans for the future?" Kyle asked and they all looked at me. I panicked because I don't really have one. I just go with the flow of life and I don't want to stress myself.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of buying my first car this year" I answered and they all looked so shocked. Well, I don't have my own car and I'm still saving to buy one.

"How old are you?" Ellie asked with her brows knit together. I don't know if she's just shocked or disgusted that I'm actually poor and doesn't belong in their group. I really don't care.

"twenty-five" I simply answered and a look of disgust flashed on her face but she changed it into a smile. I just shrugged and turned my attention back to my food. Arguing with someone is the last thing that I want right now and I understand if she's shocked that I'm 25 and haven't had my first car yet.

After eating and Perrie paying for the both of us. We walked back to their cars and drove somewhere. Perrie is playing with my hands and humming a song. A smile formed on my face. Every brush of her fingers on mine sends electric shocks all over my body.

"Hey, P please don't spend too much on clothes" Alex laughed and I furrowed my brows. Did he just call her P? That's my nickname for her. No one can say that except me.

"It's Pez" I blurted out and he looked at me through the rearview mirror, "You guys call her Pez" I added so he can understand. He nodded but didn't answer. I feel like he doesn't really like me but what can I do. I feel jealous- What?

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