43. Alias

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(Creator: @CreepyZeke )

Name: Alias

Type: Transformation

Description: This quirk gives the user the personality of whatever mask their wearing. For example wearing an All Might mask makes the user want to be heroic and do good deeds. An Endeavor mask would make the user rude and quite aggressive and a villain mask, like Stain would make the user cold, merciless and have the urge to kill false heros.


-Depending on what type of mask the user is wearing, the user can encourage people, like a motivational speaker.

-Wearing an animal mask would make the user have animal traits, aka, a fox is sly, clever and fast so the user would be sly, clever and fast.

-The user is basically a furry that likes being a mascot for kids. Kids love it.


-Over use of the quirk will causer the users main personality to no longer be in control, even if the mask is off, it wont be so bad if you've spent a long time in an All Might mask, but if the user had recently been in a villain mask then who knows what they'd do, or if they we're in an animal mask they might just act like an animal.

-The characters masks personality will be in control most of the time when the user wears it's mask, this isn't so bad when it comes to a good type of mask but like before, a villain mask can cause a lot of trouble. 

-Over use also causes insomnia.

-The user has DID or Dissociative identity disorder. See the personalities don't just disappear once the user takes of the mask, they stay with the user and can sometimes pop up without the mask.

Special Move: None.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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