40. Demon

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Demon

Type: Emitter/Mutant

Description: The user has horns that grow and shrink depending on how long the user uses their quirk and a demon tail that's around 2 meters long. The user has enhances speed, strength, leap and durability. The user can also manipulate the darkness, manipulate nightmares/fears and create dark ice.


-The tails end is deadly sharp, able to penetrate almost anything except steel.

-The horns are naturally small when the user doesn't use their quirk, kind of like Eri's little horn when she doesn't use her quirk, it's kind of just a bump, which means the user can sleep with no troubles. When they do grow however they can be good for pinning opponents or stabbing them (depending on how many horns you have, cause some people like to be creative).

-Can enter something called the 'Shadow Realm'.

-Can scare the crap out of the opponent by showing them their worst nightmare.


-If the users horns are big they can cause big problems when you want to do certain things. They are also quite heavy and can cause strain on the neck, so the user would need to take 5 minute breaks when using their quirk to not break there neck.

-Someone with a light quirk can quickly over power the user if the user is using shadow/darkness manipulation.

-Doesn't like holy water or the cross... holy water causes the user to burn and the cross just makes the user uncomfortable and unable to focus.

Special Move: Ice Nightmare; The user takes bad memories from the opponent and recreates it with ice, this is more effective then simply showing the opponent their fears as it can actually cause physical harm to the opponent. People observing will also be able to see the opponents fears as well.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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