11. Original Character (OC)

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Original Character (OC)

Type: Emitter/Transformation

Description: This quirk allows the user to become there own original character, yes, imagine the possibilities with this quirk, they could literally destroy the world. There is limits however which is great cause this is very op so I gotta slim it down somehow. The user basically just needs to be able to pick up a pen/pencil and have ideas to actually use there quirk. I expect the first time they used there quirk was when they had drawn a animal oc or something and turned into it in front of there family.


-Can basically have any quirk they desire as long as they know the name of it.

-Memorizing the oc will make it easier for the user to turn into them

-The oc can fave a maximum of 4 different quirks, not to bad to be honest (that's why it's in the strengths.)

-All they need is the ability to pick up a pen or have a laptop as well as a creative mind and there completely fine.

-The oc does not have to have a quirk, the oc could just be a talented individual which could help in other ways.


-They need to have drawn/written the oc down before they can turn into them

-The transformation only holds up for 40 minutes, and after transforming back they'd have to wait 10 minutes before being able to turn back into an oc.

-The oc MUST have drawbacks, if the oc doesn't then it wont work.

Special Move: Oc Clones; Basically the user would have to have an oc where there character has the quirk to make something/someone appear, in this case it would be an oc. SO! The user would be able to make there oc's come to life to help in battle, as much as this is great the user will only be able to make 4-5 oc's appear and have to be careful when selecting, the more powerful the more drained of energy the user will become.

(I made with last night at two in the morning so I apoligise)

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more then likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll over look others quirk ideas though.

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