61. Re-Write

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000 )

(I'm not gonna lie when I say that this is probably one of my favorite quirks that i've written, cause I feel like it's the quirk that i'd have.)

Name: Re-Write

Type: Emitter

Description: The user can re-write the past to bring a better future. For example the user says something dumb, they can then re-write what they did to something better so they don't look like an absolute idiot.


-After a re-write is done the people effected will no longer remember the previous actions and will only remember the new.

-The user can re-write something anywhere, it can be in a book, on a wall, on a computer, on a toilet anywhere as long as the user was the one to write it.

-The user can re-write something so something good happens to them. For example, the user does a scratch card for a large sum of money, they lose and therefore the user can re-write that action to make them win.

-If the user doesn't like the re-write that they did as it causes more trouble then good then the user can destroy that re-write. For example, the user wrote the re-write on paper, burning that paper will cause the original actions to play out, the user then can re-re-write that action to something better.

-Can use a mic to re-write something if they are in a battle. So i'd imagine they'd have an electronic device on their wrist that has a mic connected to it, with the right commands the user can make a re-write with their voice.


-The re-write can only change things that the user has done, they can not change natural disasters or attacks or the actions of others.

-Will cause hand cramps.

-Needs to remember the basic thing of what happened to be able to alter the past. This means the user needs to know the date, the rough time of it, the people involved and the main thing that happened.

-The user will also forget what they previously did, but will always know they did something due to there being a re-write in their book/electronic book(?).

-Because the re-write can be destroyed other people can destroy the re-write.

Special Move: None.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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