12. Sweet Voice

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Sweet Voice

Type: Emitter

Description: The user can sing to hypnotize there opponent by singing melodies or speaking in rhymes. The user can simply talk to persuade people to do or say what they want. And finally they can mimic other voices.


-The user can take on multiple people at once, cause all they got to do is speak loud enough that people can here what they're saying.

- Doesn't have to fight anyone if the user can just make there opponents fight each other.

-By persuading people the user technically has good verbal communication.

-Mimicking other voices can cause opponents to think that there going towards there partner, not there opponent.


- The user has to be in earshot of the opponent for there quirk to work on the opponent.

- Singing can strain the voice of the user and if not kept in check can lose the ability to speak for a couple of hours to two days.

-There quirk wont work if the opponent has something covering there ears, blocking out the users voice completely.

-A hypnotized person can only become un-hypnotized by hearing a member of there family's voice or if there hit hard enough.

Special Move: Hypnosis army; By using a mega phone or microphone the user can hypnotize as much as 100 opponents/people and make them fight the opponents team, however afterwards the user will lose there voice for up to a week, they may have been using a microphone or mega phone but the user does have to keep talking during the entire fight, they'd also become mentally drained as the user would have to command every hypnotized person.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more then likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll over look others quirk ideas though.

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