54. Ultima

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(Creator: @chonchi29 )

Name: Ultima

Type: Mutation/Transformation

Description: The user has wolf ears and tail that would be the same colour as their hair. It allows the user to obtain wolf like instincts, enhanced strength, hearing, taste, smell and speed. The users eyes change colour to a reddish, orange and yellow colour when the user feels a strong emotion or when they activate the other part of their quirk. This other part of their quirk is very dangerous and the user will often have to cover their eyes to keep others safe. When the users eyes are in their reddish, orange, yellowy stage and someone looks directly into the users eyes that persons quirk can be lost forever.


-Easy to track people down with their enhanced sense of smell and hearing.

-Very stealthy and knows when people are around.

-Knows when they are in danger or in a dangerous situation.

-The user can hide their ears and tail.


-Can get distracted by things such as chew toys, balls, sticks etc.

-Their tail is sensitive, if you know what I mean ;)

-If the user is angry and their eyes changed, people who look into their eyes will loose their quirk in a terribly painful way which lasts at least a week before the quirk is completely gone and the only way to stop the process is incredibility difficult. They'd have to find a person with a witch or wizard quirk to make a rare and difficult potion.

Special Move: Ultima Wolf; The user can turn into a giant wolf, like 10 feet (304.8 cm) tall kinda big, in this form the user is a lot stronger. However when the user is in this form they tend to get ticked off easily which can cause the user to go on a rampage. After the user has transformed back to normal they'd be incredibly tired and has a chance of memory loss and blindness.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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