21. Pill Rush

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Pill Rush

Type: Emitter

Description: This allows the user to have different powers depending on the type of pill that they take. These powers can be super strength, super speed, super durability, super senses, super reflexes, teleportation, invisibility etc.


-Any pill given to the user will not affect them harmfully even if it's a pill that would harm the normal human.

-Most pills effects last for 24 hrs or 3-5 days. This is a good thing however the user would be stuck to these 1-3 abilities (depending on how many different pills they take) for that time period unless they want hallucinations, nausea and vomiting.

-The abilities themselves are quite strong, but after about 20 minutes  of use it can get quite tiring for the user, making them have to have a break.

-There is a way that they can get rid of the effects of the pills they've taken if there desperate for a change of abilities, it's a cup of milk.


-Given more then three pills will cause the user to hallucinate, more than seven pills, if the user manages to get past the hallucinations, would then cause nausea and vomiting, not just vomiting there meal but blood as well, it's bad.

-If the user decided to keep switching  between pill abilities via milk it can cause there brain activity to slow down and they could then have less reaction time. This is only if they've switched out of abilities 4 or more times. The more the user switches however the worse reaction time they have.

Special Move: Ultimate Pill; The Ultimate Pill is a mix of 5 different types of pills which in turn gives the user five abilities right off the bat, however these abilities can be completely random with each Ultimate Pill they take, sometimes it can be an ability that they've never used before which can place them at a disadvantage. Though the Ultimate Pill only lasts for 30 minutes to an hour it tends to get a bit op and the user manages to finish the opponent during that time, if they don't then they would be screwed as the side effects after the pill causes the user to fall unconscious from 2 to 7 hours.

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