37. Blood Bending

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(Idea Given by:  @gucciaratea )

Name: Blood Bending

Type: Emitter

Description: The user can manipulate blood, doesn't matter who's blood it is, they can bend it to their will. There's multiple things the user can do with the blood, solidify it, making it stiff and if made into a sharp object like a knife the user would be able to harm others with it. The blood can also be used to detain others by either making a blood rope and wrapping it around the opponent before solidifying it or by forcing their blood to stop like when Katara from Avatar goes up against that old lady and is forced to blood bend.


-Can force people to stop moving, this means the user gets an instant win as the opponent wont be able to move, that is unless they have a quirk that can attack without the user needing to move, like Tokoyami or Todoroki.

-Because the user can manipulate blood, you guessed right, the user can in fact use others like a puppet through controlling their blood, of course, this doesn't mean that the opponent can't fight back, they can if there quirk is an emitter type.

-Can paralyze the opponent, this is simple, it's basically just stopping blood flow in an area, slowly making them paralyzed until the user decides they can have their movement back.

-Through certain circumstances it is possible that the user can give themselves extra features, for example blood wings, not the prettiest sounding thing in the world but it's very useful.

-The user has to eat a lot of food with iron in it like red meat, seafood, beans etc. What this does is that it increases their blood and allows the user to use their own blood for longer periods of time, also because it allows them to control other's easier.


-Though paralyzing the opponent is very effective it can also be very dangerous, stopping blood flow causes less blood and oxygen to get pumped into the heart meaning that the opponent can suffer from a heart attack. At most the opponent can only be paralyzed for five minutes if their healthy and young, any older or have medical conditions can cause serious injury.

-If the user uses their own blood to manipulate they will have to be very cautious about how much blood they're taking out of themself, it's not like the user can put the blood back inside themself, they'd be at risk of infections and viruses then, and quite frankly I think we've all had enough of viruses lately.

-The user needs to be able to physically see their opponent, if they can't see them then they can't bend their opponents blood.

Special Move: Blood Wings; The user can manipulate their own blood to create blood wings, it's a big thing as that way the user would be able to fly and would have an easier chance at defeating their opponent. Down side about this however is that the user will need to be able to cut two places on their back to be able to create the wings, this means getting a friend to do it, or doing it themself with their own blood as using someone else's blood could cause infection and viruses if theirs a crossover with blood ✨Science✨.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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