25. Human Puppet

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Human Puppet

Type: Emitter

Description: The user can let out strings at their fingertips and from the part where the hands attach to the wrist (Like with Tobey Maguire's Spiderman), once these strings are connected to another human the user will be able to control the actions, words and quirk of them person under the users control.


-The strings are invisible to everyone who is not the user.

-Can keep a hold of someone for up to an hour.

-The stings are quite strong so instead of controlling someone the user can use the strings as a weapon by flinging the opponent around.

-The user can also use the strings to save people who are falling, trapped under something, pick locks, get down from high places, grab things from a far and create small objects out of the string.

-The user can also transfer messages by attaching a string to themself and another person, it's also a good way to know where victims are exactly as well as talking to a friend who may be further away.


-The strings can break if the user is too far away from the opponent or if the opponent gathers the mental strength to break out of the users control.

-If the user goes over the limit of how long they can control someone it'll cause the users mind to break from the stress of controlling the opponent and either pass out, start crying hysterically or have an anger outburst.

-If the user tries to control themself they'll shut down there mind and pass out, they'll wake up after 2-4 hours.

Special Move: Puppet Army; This allows the user to get twelve people under the users control at once, making a mini army. The user can use these twelve peoples quirks to fight the opponent. It requires a lot of concentration to control all twelve people so getting knocked about can cause the user to loose control. The aftermath of this is that the user will become drained of energy and will have to sleep for 24 hours, especially if they go over the time limit.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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