19. Dragonfly

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Dragonfly

Type: Mutation

Description: The user would have two sets of dragonfly wings which allows them to move from 44 mph to 68 mph (71km/h to 109km/h), like dragonflies it can sometimes be hard to see the user, like a dragonfly. Instead of one set of arms the user would have three sets of arms from the shoulders, bellow the shoulders and at the mid back sides. There skin colour, hair and eyes are the colours of what type of dragonfly you'd want your character to represent. The user can also climb walls as well as just hang on walls.


-Can eat insects, it may be disgusting for other people to see but it just comes natural to the user. It's also a main source to there strength, protein and all that.

-Can attack multiple people at once due to having more arms, it also helps when having to do multiple things.

-There senses are five times better then a normal humans.


-Water makes them unable to fly.

-There are certain foods they wont be able to eat due to a diet, these foods are mainly meats, a few sweet things and nuts, other then that there fine to eat everything else.

-Flying tires them out depending on how fast they go, if they go only half way to there limit they'll only be slightly out of breath, if they went to the limit for a long period of time then they wont be able to move that well, they'd be sloppy when it comes to fights and not very reliable.

Special Move: Flutter by; Flutter by basically entails the user picking up someone and dropping them from a height. It may not be that much of a serious special move but it does the trick when the opponent can't do anything to slow down from the fall. And there's no drawbacks from this, unless they flew at there limit.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more then likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll over look others quirk ideas though.

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