68. Crying Shadow

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000 )

Name: Crying Shadow

Type: Emitter

Description: The user's shadow comes to life and can force the emotion of sadness onto anyone with the command of the user.


-(Optional)If the user has a tragic backstory it can work in their favor as the shadow can use that permanent trauma and fear and force it onto others, making them feel everything the user has felt from this trauma.

-The shadow can also help with menial tasks such as fetching things for people and gathering information without people realising theres a shadow watching them.

-The shadow is at it's strongest at night time, obviously as the shadow can then walk around like an actual human being.

-Despite being a quirk the shadow is very much human like in many ways, however like a human they'd need to be taught how to do things. So yes the shadow can talk if taught how to, the shadow can eat and drink if it wishes but it's pointless to them, the shadow can have hobbies of their own which don't tie in with the user.

-The shadow wears a mask that covers their true face. The mask holds no features and is pure black, no straps or anything, it kind of just floats in front of the shadow, close enough so no one can see the shadows true face from any angle that a person would be looking. (It's up to you however for what you want the mask to look like though, this quirk is just based off a night terror I had two years ago and it's permanently ingrained in my brain.)


-The shadow itself is very emotional, and because of that it can cause the user to become emotional causing outbursts of sadness.

-The shadow is sensitive to light and when in full exposure to light the shadow completely disappears making the user practically quirkless.

- Under the mask the shadow is constantly crying, this does not mean that they feel bad, it's one of those things where they cry but don't feel anything if you get what I mean.

Special Move: Outburst; The user can make people within a 3 mile radius feel so much emotional pain that they physically cannot stand up and they just cry on the floor. (Kinda like Blue Diamond's ability from Steven Universe). The downside is that this ability can also effect the user if the user is not used to the ability yet.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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