26. Camouflage

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(Creator: Me, AKA; Socially_Awkward1000)

Name: Camouflage

Type: Transformation

Description: This allows the user to become invisible to the naked eye by blending into the background.


-This quirk is great for sneak attacks or when wanting to run away.

-The quirk is like a switch so once the quirk is activated the user doesn't need to worry about it hindering or changing there cloak as when they'd run it'll change with them.

-The quirk also allows them the change body temperatures to the surrounding area to be undetected by temperature detectors.

-The thing that fuels the quirk is Vitamin D, so being outside would be one of there favourite past times.


-Though the user may now be stealthy they still need to be cautious of how loud they're being, cause that could completely blow there colour.

-The user may still have a shadow despite being camouflaged.

-Someone with a quirk that has to do with the senses may be able to sniff out the user.

-Can't retrieve any vitamin D at night, this can weaken the user's quirk and allow for it to turn off randomly without wanting to.

-If something is thrown on them they're cover can be blown.

Special Move: Stealth Attack; This attack means the user uses her surroundings to do a sneak attack where they jump on they're opponents back and pressing a pressure point which can make the opponent fall asleep.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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