65. Ender

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(Creator: @xanimewaifux )

Name: Ender

Type: Emitter/Mutant(?)

Description: The user has the ability to teleport, create illusions, flight and lunar manipulation. (lunar manipulation means that the user can create, shape and manipulate all aspects of a moon/moons including it's gravity and the effects it has on the planet).

The user will be naturally quite tall, thin and have longer limbs than normal (This is just a nod the Enderman in minecraft). They also have particles floating around them, the colour is optional and they increase when teleporting.


-Illusions are mainly used to confuse or distract the opponent. It's a very effective and strategic move as the user can create full on scenes to help them.

-With Lunar manipulation the user has fully control over moon(s), so if they wanted, they could manipulate the moons gravity, manipulate it so it effects the ocean, either in a bad way (like causing a tsunami) or in a good way (stopping a tsunami), they'd have lunar attacks, they can create small moons. (It goes into a lot of detail so if you want the full run down of it go to a website called "Superpower wiki" and search in "Lunar Manipulation".)

-The user can teleport with other people, but cannot teleport people by themself, the user has to teleport with them.


-The user can't physically touch water, they can drink, however the user will have to be very careful about not spilling it on themself. They would also have to suppress their tears otherwise it's gonna really hurt their cheeks and eyes.

-Lunar manipulation is naturally a lot weaker in sun light, or against opponents with quirks that include bright light.

-Because particles increase when the user teleports, opponents will know when the user is trying to teleport away.

-Though the user can teleport around continuously it takes at least 2-3 seconds to actually teleport so their is always a delay when teleporting.

Special Move: Lunar Strike; It's like a meteor strike only not with meteors and instead with the essence of the moon. The actual thing that would be hitting anyone is a ball of light with increased gravity, within that light there is a small speck of rock from the moon. It doesn't depend on how big the rock is for there to be a big explosion, it actually depends on how much light is surrounding that small bit of rock. It takes quite a bit of energy as the user is creating a meteor strike from pieces of the moon so taking a long nap after the fact is highly recomended.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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