50. Pigman

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(Idea by: @cloudchild24 )

(cloudchild24 wanted a quirk inspired by Technoblade, so that's what i'm doing🙂. It's going to be based of pig facts I found on the internet as well as some characteristic traits from Techno. I bet you can guess what I mean.)

Name: Pigman

Type: Mutant

Description: The user has physical attributes to a pig. This does not mean that the user looks like a pig (unless that's how you want it to be, which there would be no difference to the quirk itself if that is the case). The user (if you want them to still look human) would have pig ears, a pinker tone to their skin, a small tail, those pig tusks and would be taller than a average human (depending on where you live). If you want them to look like a pig... then they look like a pig, what more can I say.


-The user is naturally very smart, which means that they will learn a lot quicker than most. I like to see it that the user picked up a skill in sword fighting.

-The user will be very tolerable to the cold and will prefer to be in the cold, so if it gets to hot for their liking, then you can expect to find them sitting in the freezer.

-They have a very good memory which means, good navigation skills, they'll be able to find their way home without even having to try.

-Their sense of smell is 2000 times more sensitive than a normal human. They can also hear higher frequencies than a normal human.


-The user does not like heat, they hate the summer and fire.

-Loud noises can startle the user.

-The user has a strange grudge against orphans (hmm wonder why).

-Oddly doesn't like the government and often gets distracted by trying to take the government down.

-Are prone to making odd noises and weird phrases that, this can either be a bad thing (by giving away their position) or a good thing (as it can often distract the opponent).

Special Move: hEh!; The user uses 'hEh' it startles the opponent and often causes them to lose focus on what they need to do, giving the user the perfect chance to win in the fight. No drawbacks, this user has the power of hEh.

Don't forget to leave your suggestions down bellow if you'd like to be featured, make a joke or something, i'm more than likely to drift to you ;) that doesn't mean i'll overlook others quirk ideas though.

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