Chapter Twenty Two.

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"Ah!" Chelia squeaked as she fell to the gorund.

"Ah!" Someone else squeaked.

"Chelia, are you ok?" Jura asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Chelia said.

"Wendy!" Someone said.

They all looked and saw Fairy Tail. Natsu, Elfman, Gray, Wendy and Romeo.

"Are you alright?" Romeo asked.

"I'm fine..." Wendy said as she rubbed her head.

"Wendy!" Chelia said.

"Chelia!" Wendy said.

The two got up and bowed.

"I'm sorry!" They said at the same time.

"Chelia! Focus! We don't have time for apologies!" Lyon said.

"Right. She's this way!" Chelia said running off. Lyon, Jura, Yuka and Toby ran after her. Fairy Tail went a different way. Soon, they found themselves in the middle of the maze where everyone was caged up. They saw you throwing a ball to Erza and Mira.

"Well, this is annoying. When will they get here?" Erza asked as she threw the ball to You.

"Yuki!" Lyon shouted, making you jump and drop the ball out of the cage.

You looked at them and sighed.

They went to your cage and tried to break you free but failed each time. You grew annoyed.

"WOULD YOU JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE ALREADY!?" You shouted, scaring them all.

"Sorry!" They all said.

Toby made his nails grow and hit the bars, making them break. You jumped out and picked up the ball. You threw it to Erza.

"Here." You said.

"I'll return it when I next see you." Erza said. You nodded.

You all walked through the maze. You had your hood up and your hands in your pockets. You was walking with your head down.

"Are you ok Yuki?" Chelia asked.

You nodded.

"You look down." Yuka said.

"That's because I'm looking down." You said.

The others smirked and tried not to laugh while Yuka looked pretty annoyed.

"How did you get captured so easily?" Lyon asked.

He shouldn't have asked you that. That pissed you off more than anything.

"I was caught off guard." You said.

"How? Aren't you a good observer?" Toby asked.

You stopped and they walked past you. They stopped and looked at you. You was looking at the ground.

"Daddy!" A young you cried. Your dad came to you and saw you on the floor with your knee cut.
"What happened Yuki?" He asked.
"I fell over on Kakashi's basketball!" You cried.
"But Yuki, I thought you was a good observer." He said.
"I'm having a bad day ok?" You asked. Your father smiled.
"I'll get it cleaned up." He smiled.

"Yuki?" Chelia asked.

This brought you out of your flash back and you shook your head.

"Are you ok?" Jura asked.

You nodded.

"I'm fine, let's just go." You said.

You walked in front of them, but then you tripped on a rock and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" They all said.

"Ow..." You groaned. You sat up and saw your knee was bleeding. You put you hand on it to stop the bleed, but then Chelia came and healed it.

"I never thought you was the clumsy type Yuki." She smiled.

You just looked away in embarrassment.

"You know, if you're ever hurt and need healing, don't be so stubborn. Come to me and I'll heal you." Chelia smiled.

Your eyes went wide. Not many people are this kind to you. What's going on?


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