Chapter Fourteen

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A few hours later...

You was sitting in a tree, on a branch until...

"Yuki!" Someone shouted.

You sighed. It was Lyon... AGAIN!

"Yuki, I know you're here!" He shouted.

You sighed again and jumped down. He jumped and turned to you. You folded your arms and lifted your eyebrow.

"What?" You asked.

"How do we overcome our weaknesses?" Lyon asked.

"I can't tell you." You said.

"Why?" Lyon asked.

"Its a test. You must learn on your own." You said.

"Why are you so cruel." He asked.

"I didn't decide this." You said.

"Then who did?" He asked.

"Who has more power than me?" You asked.

"The Master?" He asked.

You clapped your hands sarcastically.

"Well done, do you want a gold medal?" You asked.

"Alright..." Lyon smiled.

You just rolled your eyes and walked away.

Another few hours.

You was sat near the sea and it was peaceful until...

"Yuki!" Someone shouted.

You sighed and looked. You saw it was the others.

"What?" You asked.

"How do we complete the test?" Toby asked.

"Figure it out for yourself." You said.

You got up and walked off.

An hour later...

You was sat on the little mountain you was sat on last night, meditating when...

"Yuki Sakura!" Someone shouted.

You looked and saw the others. You sighed in announce.

"Whaaaaat?!?" You asked.

"Tell us how to do the test!" Jura begged.

You stood up.

"Does a teacher give answers to a test to a student?" You asked.

"No." Chelia said.

"So how is this different?" You asked.

"A teacher usually gives hints." Sherry said.

You sighed.

"Learn by Yourselves." You said as you jumped backwards into the sea.

The others sighed and walked off. You climbed back up because you had actually grab hold of the mountain. You sighed in relief.

"They're all idiots." You sighed.

An hour later...

The others were sighing while in the house.

There was a sigh after a sigh after another sigh which made Kakashi annoyed.

"What's wrong with you guys?" He asked.

"Yuki won't tell us how to pass this test on to how to overcome our weaknesses." Yuka said.

"That test? It's easy." Kakashi said.

"What is it?" They all asked

"Well, it's..."

"Ahem!" Someone said.

Kakashi went pale and turned around to see you standing there with your hands on your hips.

"You was saying?" You asked.

Kakashi shot out of his seat and ran to his room hiding.

"You guys want a hint?" You asked.

"Yes!" They all said.

"You're all idiots who are weak and stupid. You'll never get stronger." You said as you folded your arms.




"WHAT SORT OF HINT WAS THAT?!?" They all exclaimed.

You sighed.

"You guys are stupid. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." You said.

"Err..." They said.

"Wait..." Yuka said and you all looked at him. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..." He said.

"Have you got an idea?" Chelia asked.

"Nope, not a clue!" He said.

Everyone but you hung their heads.

"This is annoying. My pupils could do this and they're 13." You said.

"This is so annoying!" Toby said.

"Fine, I'll tell you." you said and everyone looked at you. "You'll never get over your weaknesses." you said.

"Huh?" They all said.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying, 'one man's weakness is another man's strength'?" You asked.

"So basically, our strengths are other people's weaknesses?" Jura asked.

"Yes." You said. "You guys really need to read more, I put books in all of your guys room yesterday. Didn't you read them?" You asked.


"No..." They all said.

"Everything we're learning is in that book you idiots!" You shouted.

"Wow, you really can be scary sometimes." Chelia said shaking.

"No kidding..." Sherry said shaking.

"I haven't been able to be at peace because of all you guys kept asking me about this test!" You exclaimed and then your necklace glowed red.

"Calm down, please dont be angry!" Lyon said.

"Humph!" You exclaimed as you started to walk up the stairs. "You don't know me and never will like everyone else so stop reading that book. You're just getting involved with a lost course..." You said as you walked to your room.

When you got to your room, you slammed thw door.


Sorry for the negativity, I'm just in a bad mood cause of my sister... Anyway, until next time! *Waves* (I know I'm a weirdo, I don't care!)

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