Chapter Thirty Three.

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You were being pulled through an ice hallway. You tried to stop many times, but they just pushed you. They pushed you again as you tried to stop, which resulted to you falling in the floor.

"Get up!" The guard said harshly. You just sat up while looking down. "I said get up!" He shouted as he slapped you around the face.

"Ah!" You shrieked. They then pulled you up by your chains, which were now on your wrists. They then continued to pull you through the halls. "I have to try..." You thought. You looked down and your bangs shadowed your eyes. You closed your eyes. "Guys... Can you hear me?" The chains in your wrist burnt you slightly, but you tried to ignore it.


"Gah!" Toby shouted as he slipped on the ice.

"Toby! Be quiet!" Yuka shouted in a whisper.

"Both of you be quiet!" Lyon said.

"Guys, can you hear me?"

"Yuki?" They all asked.

"I'm inside some sort of Ice place. They're taking me somewhere to take my powers." You explained. The six of them went wide eyed.

"We're on our way!" Lyon said. The sic then went up the stairs faster, until they got to a door. There was no one at the door.

"This is odd. No guards." Jura said.

"Which means we must be careful." Lyon said.

"Right." The others said. They walked through the doors into a large hallway made of Ice. It was empty.

"No ones here either." Yuka said.

"They must be gathering around to take Yuki's power." Chelia said.

"Let's go!" Sherry said. She started to run, but then she slipped on the ice and started to slide. "Ah!" She shrieked.

"Sherry!" The others shouted. Sorry then crashed into a wall. The others walked to Sherry while trying not to slip. They saw Sherry was inside the cell where your mother was held. Your mother looked confused. Sherry was laid across the ground with her eyes spinning.

"Are you alright?" Chelia asked. Jura's eyes went wide when he laid his eyes on your mother.

"You! You're Operetta Sakura! Yuki's mother!" Jura gasped. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"Heh?!" They all exclaimed.

"That's not possible!" Sherry and Chelia exclaimed. Sherry was now sat up. "She couldn't be any older than 20!"

"I'm nearly in my 50s..." Your mother said with an awkward laugh.

"What are you doing here?!" Toby exclaimed and Yuka punched him on the head.

"She's obviously a prisoner you idiot." He said.

"Ow..." Toby said.

"Where's Yuki?" Lyon asked.

"They took her not long ago..." Operetta said.

"Do you know the way?" Jura asked. Operetta nodded as she got up.

"Yes, but my chains. They're magic proof." Operetta said.

"I'll take the magic away." Yuka said as he out his hands out. The magic from the chains then started to fly out and once it was all gone, Lyon froze it, making it break.

"There." Lyon said.

"Thank you, now we must yurrry before the same fate of Yuki's sister happens to Yuki!" Operetta said. She ran out and the others followed, while trying not to fall over.

"What do you mean the same fate?" Lyon asked.

"They took all of her magical energy, which coursed her to die! It took several days and she died of exhaustion and no magic!" Operetta explained. The other's went wide eyed once again.


You was pulled into a room, full of people who looked like they were having a party. All of a sudden, you couldn't move and the light in your eyes went.

"W-w..." You tried to say, but you couldn't speak. You lost your sense of speech and movement.

"Don't worry little Snow Blossom... You'll be in safe hands." A familiar voice said.

"No... Not him!" You were suddenly picked up and taken to a throne. You were then sat down and chained. The person was now in your view. It was William... Your father... He smirked.

"Don't worry little Snow Blossom. It will all be over soon." He said with an evil laugh. You were then given your speech and movement back. You tried to break free, but couldn't. "Relax." William said. A light went around you. "The parties only just begining." Your magical energy was then being drained out of your body and into some sort of machine. It was painful. So painful you began to scream.

"Ahhhh!" You screams were heard through the halls.

"Yuki!" Lyon said. They ran and ran and ran. They slipped a few times, but got up. They soon got to the room and their eyes went wide when they saw what was happening to you.

"No..." Your mother said.

"YUKI!" Lyon screamed.


You're probably sick of me saying this... But sorry for taking so long... I'm really super sorry, and if any of you know the anime KNB... You'll probably think I'm like a character who keeps apologising... SO, UM, SORRY! I hope you liked it though... Um... Bye...

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