Chapter Eighteen

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The Next Day...

You walked into the guild with a shoulder bag and a suitcase.

"Hey Yuki!" Sherry greeted cheerfully.

You nodded, meaning hello before you walked to your usual table. You put your shoulder bag on the table and it made a big crashing noise, coming from the inside.

"What the hell is in there?!" Lyon asked, wWoking to you with the others.

You opened the bag and got out a sword.

"A sword?" they said confused.

"They're magic swords, each one has their own ability." You said.

"What can that one do then?" Toby asked.

You put it out and fire went around it.

"It's a fire sword, its stronger when it's in heat..." You explained. You made the fire go out and put the sword in your bag and zipped it up.

"Well, are you all, ready to go?" Ooba asked.

Everyone looked at her and their eyes went wide.

"How many bags?!" All of them but you exclaimed. You just simply put your weapon bag over your shoulder again, grabbed your suit case and walked to your grandmother. You picked up two of her bags and put them in your free hand. You then put another over your free shoulder, put one on your back and grabbed the last two.

"Is this all?" You asked.

"Yes, lets get to the train." Ooba said.

She walked past the others and so followed behind with all the bags without breaking a sweat.

"So strong..." They gasped.

You stopped at the door and looked at them.

"Are you coming or not?" You asked.

"Ah, we're coming!" Jura said.

They all went to walk to you, but you didn't wait, you just simply, continued to follow your grandmother.

After a few minutes the others caught up.

"Hey, Yuki, do you want some help?" Jura asked.

You passed him two of your grandmothers bags and he picked them up. Straight away, he fell to the ground.

"Bloody hell!" He exclaimed.

"Are they that heavy?" Sherry asked.

"Yes, a little..." Jura said as he finally managed to pick them up.

"Um, do you need some more help?" Lyon asked.

You just past him one bag which he could barely carry.

"D-do you need me to carry another?" He asked. You looked at him and shook your head before walking faster.

"How can she carry that many bags without breaking a sweat?" Chelia asked.

"Maybe the power of love has finally bloomed in Yukis heart and that's giving her strength!" Sherry said.

"Yeah! Maybe!" Chelia said.

Soon, you all arrived at the train station.

"Yuki! We're too early! The train isn't here!" Ooba said.

"It'll be here soon Grandmother..." You sighed.

Suddenly, the sound of a train coming got closer and closer to them.

"Everyone who's going to Fiore, here's your train!" Someone announced.

"See? Can we go now?" You sighed.

"Come on!" Ooba ordered.

You all sat on the train. It went

Lyon, Toby, Yuka and Jura. Sherry, Chelia and Ooba. You sat alone, reading.

"Does she always sit alone?" Sherry asked.

"Yes..." Ooba sighed. "I don't understand her anymore!" She complained. Your hands started to shake as you read.

"I knew it..." You mumbled. "No one understands me..." You mumbled again.

Lyon looked at you because he heard what she said.

"No one understands her at all? I wonder why no one understands her... Do they care to?" He thought

Soon, they arrived at Fiore.

"Yuki! Take all my bags to the inn, me Chelia and Sherry are going to look around Fiore!" Ooba said.

"Yes Grandmother." You said.

"And take Sherrys and Chelias as well!" She ordered.

"We'll carry them." Lyon said.

"Hmm..." Ooba said and then she smirked. "ok, have fun!" she said.

The boys carried Sherry and Chelias bags while you carried your grandmothers.

You all got to the inn and had your own rooms. You put your grandmothers stuff in her room and  you went to your room.

You put your bags on the floor and flopped out on your bed. You sighed.

"Why don't people try to understand me?" You thought.


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