Chapter 3

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Earth was everything Milano had talked about and more. In fact, it was so much more beautiful. The air was so fresh and clean. There were so many trees. I can hear birds chirping as they flew freely in the clear blue sky. My eyes followed their free movements, catching the sun behind the trees. Walking to the corner of the drop ship, with a few kids running out of my way in fear, Scardy cats, I started the process of climbing the wall of the drop ship. With the many time I've climbed vents in the ark, I found this process to be second nature to me. Once I reached the top, I climbed to my feet and faced the sun for the first time in my life. It was so bright and warm against my skin. A large smile stretched on my face as small giggles escaped my lips. I spread my arms wide feeling as free as the birds as my hair flew wildly with the wind. I closed my eyes feeling the happiest I have ever been in a long time.

Milano, I wish you were with me to see this! It really is stunning.

A whistle sounded, distracting me from my thoughts. There goes my happiness. I looked down to the ground to see Bellamy and Pinocchio looking up at me.

"Pocahontas, it's time to stop following the wind. Get down here, we've got business to discuss," Bellamy called with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

Ain't you a funny, fella!

I took one last look at the sun, before I climbed my way down. As soon as my feet hit solid ground I made my way to them, "Chief, you called?!" He motioned for me to follow, as he and long nose started making their way to the forest. We didn't walk for long, just a few feet before stopping at a secluded area away from the rest of the delinquents.

"So, whatcha want, Chief?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and cocking my hip to the side. "I ain't getting into a threesome with you two if that's what you got in mind. No offence, Boss, but you ain't my type," I winked at the long nosed boy, "him? Maybe if I could ignore his long nose. Got pretty blue eyes on him, though." They both rolled their eyes at me.

"Cut the bullshit, Reaper," Bellamy snapped.

I cocked an eyebrow at his tone, "well, hell. Somebody got out on the wrong side of the Drop Ship."


"So I have been told," I smiled sarcastically, "whatcha want?"

"Your bracelet," he answered simply.

"You talking about this?" I rose my left arm, showing them the metal strap on my wrist, "I didn't know you were into jewelry. You'd think you know a person, eh?!"

"You wouldn't think it's funny once you know what those things do,"

"Why don't you in lighten me, then."

"Those bracelets are telling them," he pointed up, indicating the Ark, "whether or not it's safe to follow us down here."

I looked at it in disdain, finally realizing the reason to why the guards even bothered with those petty things, "wait, you telling me those motherfuckers are monitoring our every move?"


"How the hell do you even know about this?"

"I overheard Clarke Griffin talking about it,"

"Dr. Griffin's daughter?" he nodded. I scoffed, "Of course she would know." I eyed him, "how are we gonna get those pieces of shits off?"

"We're gonna break them off," he pointed behind him at the long nosed kid who stepped up with a piece of metal bar from the Drop Ship in his hands.

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