Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was woken suddenly by a loud sound that shook the ground. I looked around me in my disoriented state, finding the fire still burning and the grounder was gone. With aching limps and a stinging wound, I slowly climbed to my feet and started to make my way out. By the entrance I was shocked to find a thick white animal fur jacket laid by a full arrow quiver and a well-crafted bow which was made out of white wood and had some blue ribbons around the wooded part. I was shocked at seeing such a beautiful weapon and I wondered why the savaged, perverted grounder would leave such thing, but I didn't care to dwell much on it, so I just grabbed them and left.

The sun was just rising as I slowly made my way towards where I think the noise came from, to find a small pod sitting in an open space with the door ajar. Being cautious, I came closer and slowly opened the door to find a lone person in a space suit sitting motionless. The glass of their suit was a little cracked and there was some blood smeared on it. Suddenly a groaning sound came from them as they slowly started the process of removing their gloves before struggling with their helmet. I did the best to help and it finally came off revealing a beautiful tanned skin with brown hair held in a ponytail. She groaned as she prodded against her head wound before drowsily looking my way. She blinked lazily before her eyes widen and she jumped away in fear, or at least attempting to since her seat belt was still on and locked in tight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, crap, uh, shit, uh, okay, okay, uh, hi," she panicked quietly, and then she took a deep breath before turning to address me, "I. come. In. peace," She spoke very slowly and very loudly with a lot of hand gestures and wide eyes as if speaking to a deaf person or a foreigner. Oh! "My. Name. is. Raven," she tapped her chest with both palms, "I. come. From. Space," she pointed up indicating the sky or well the space as she said.

I titled my head to the side, "perché non tu Parla più forte in modo che possano sentirti nello spazio, strambo. (Speak louder so they can hear you in space, weirdo.) I backed out giving her space to leave.

Minutes later, the weird space girl, who's now suit-less, is twirling around in a circle, face to the sky with a huge smile on her face.

She sighed deeply, "I dreamed it would smell like this," she paused as she became partially wet from the slight drizzling rain, "is this rain?" she asked in awe.

"No, è solo qualcuno che ti fa la pipì addosso, (No, it's just someone peeing on you)" I drawled sarcastically.

"RAVEN!" Someone shouted as Spacewalker suddenly dashed out of nowhere and straight into Space ponytail's arms. As they were having their mushy moment, I was too busy rummaging for any useful items from the abandoned pod. And with that I walked away, especially since I saw Clarke was here and I knew for a fact that just one wrong word out of her mouth and my hand might slip and turn her eye bluer.

Around noon, I was walking on my way back to my cave with a string of squirrels attached to my belt when I saw the idiotic people who rioted against me seemed to be searching for something in the water. Seeing Clarke and Bellamy with them, I knew for sure I'm gonna definitely punch one of them, or probably both. So with that thought in mind, I decided to turn around for a new rout home.

I didn't walk away for too long before I suddenly heard space weirdo calling out to stop. Suddenly she appeared in front of me panting hard and clearly in panic.

"Have you seen a radio? RAY-DE-OH. Small black box," she was still talking loud and funny again to my amusement. Finn joined soon enough and he was staring at her weirdly.

"You do know she speaks English right?" her shocked and exaggerated face have totally made my day, nothing will ruin my mood now.

"Reaper," someone called.

Well, I spoke too soon.

"Listen, hav...ARGH!" without wasting a second, I twirled around and gave him a nice solid punch in the jaw. I clenched my fist feeling the satisfying pain that comes after delivering punches.

Raven nodded her head in approval, "nice hook!"

I grinned, "Why thank you. Made it extra spicy today."

"Okay, I deserved that one," Bellamy groaned.

"The next one is loading up and will be ready to swing by the next second if you don't get out of my way," I threatened.

"Look, just tell us if you found a radio then you can go on your marry way,"

"Oh you mean like a small black box?" I asked, their eyes widened and they perked up immediately, "yeah, it's right over there by the big 'go fuck yourself' tree. Hard to miss."

"Look, as much as I am enjoying this, people's lives are at stake here, so can you please help?" Raven pleaded. I looked at her blankly before responding to her in the calmest and clearest voice,


And walked away, er, well I tried but a certain someone, well two someones suddenly darted in front of me.

"We missed you," Huey 'Holly' cried, pouncing excitedly on her toes as Louie 'Lilly' hugged my waste tightly.

"Are you gonna help up?" Louie asked, excitedly. I grunted a 'fuck no'. But it was drowned by Huey who loudly exclaimed.

"Of course she's helping us. Why do you think we haven't been attacked as we're searching in the open!"

Louie looked up at me with wide mouth and eyes, "Whoa, you're so cool. Grounders are scared of you,"

"Yeah she got them running,"

Not too far away, my sight fell on a familiar shit head whom was pretending to be searching around, but I knew by the discreet smirk on his face, that this was all his doing.

I smiled grimly at the girls, but my eyes were sending daggers at the jerk who just waved innocently at me. Smile all you like now, Monty Green, I'll get you soon enough. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but imma get you.


Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

Also please check out the story Teaser Trailer on my youtube channel @ Heboosh

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