Chapter 7

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 I was marching at the very front leading the small party. My footsteps were rushed yet quiet leaving no tracks behind. Behind me, the Blonde and Baby Chancellor were stomping their feet with Wells arguing with the Blonde for bringing us with her. Bellamy and Murphy were at the far end whispering to one another quietly in hushed voices.

We walked for a few miles before Bellamy called for us to hold up. I halted to a stop turning to him with the Blonde and Wells.

Bellamy rushed forward waving his handgun around, with Murphy at his heels. "What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart," he said.

"Put the gun away, Bellamy," Wells grumbles. Murphy rushes over, shoving Wells and making Bellamy smirk, seemingly enjoying having his own personal bodyguard.

"Why don't you do something about it, huh?" Murphy got into Wells' face. His shoulders were squared looking ready for another fight.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him," the Blonde stated, stopping the fight before it got started, "If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste." I set my bow down and leaned my elbow against it as I got comfortable knowing their banter is gonna take a while.

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go," Bellamy demanded as he grabbed a firm hold of her arm, his smirk forever blasted on his boyish face. The blonde snatched her arm away from him with a frown on her pale face.

She took a brave step towards Bellamy, and ignoring his amused face, she spat through gritted teeth, "The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead? is if I'm dead. Got it?"

Bellamy looked like he was enjoying the moment too much as he stared at her amusingly, "Brave princess," he taunted taking a step forward making her take two back. But before anything else could happen, a fifth person decided to join our humble party.

"Why don't you find your own nickname?" the guy demanded Bellamy as he swaggered over with his hair bouncing with every step. He looked at every person in the group analyzing every each one of us. "You call this a rescue party? You gotta split up, cover more ground," he voiced in a strong, confident voice. I bit on the inside of my cheek stopping myself from saying something I shouldn't. I've already had to deal with Bellamy's bossy attitude; I don't have enough patience to deal with two bossy egos. One is enough for now.

"Clarke, come with me," he marched off with the Blonde, or should I say Clarke, following close behind him. I followed them with my eyes before looking back and caught Bellamy's piercing brown eyes. He nodded at me as he tucked the gun back into his pants. I was tempted to show him my special finger and tell him that I don't take orders from no one let alone an egotistical, power hungry, man like him. But then I reminded myself, Keep your enemies closer! I forced a smirk and managed to nod back before following after the other two.


I bent down by the river felling up my water bottle. Something glinted on the other side of the river bank. Capping my water bottle shut, I hopped my way to the other side using the rocks. Halfway, I felt a slight splash on me. I paused with one foot raised with perfect balance and turned to glare at Mr. Bossy who had a dear caught in headlights look on his face. Clarke was staring at him in disbelief before looking at me with slight fear. I just glared at Mr. Floppy-hair before hopping the rest of the way. As soon as I reached solid, dry land, I dug my hand in the water where the shiny thing was. It was a pair of goggles. It might be Jasper's since "guy with goggles" was what Baby Chancellor called him. Looking around, I found traces of blood on the ground. Tracking them, they lead me to small rocks where more botches of blood were smeared. I whistled to alert the rest. I heard the sound of rushing water as the rest waded their way to my still crouched position.

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