Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I have no idea how much time went by before I woke up. My body was aching, throat burning, and everything was blurry.

"Hey, take it easy," a voice soothed as a skinny arm supported my back helping me sit up.

"Here's some water," a female voice spoke followed by a cup of water being held to my mouth. I never thought that something that could feel so good could also hurt so bad, as water slowly went down my throat.

I looked around, seeing Octavia crouching before me, Jasper standing a few steps behind her with his arms wrapped tightly around himself, and Monty was sitting right next to me supporting my upper body.

"That was a close call," Monty voiced, quietly, "you feeling okay?" I nodded my head even though my body was aching something furious.

"Glad Finn got to you guys in time. A minute later and you would have been a goner," Jasper chuckled, but quietened at Monty's look.

"Did you know about Charlotte?" Octavia demanded. I felt my heart rate increase, but I managed to keep my face void of emotions. "You knew didn't you, that she's the one that killed Wells?"

I scoffed, slowly pushing Monty away as I forced myself to sit on my own. He still hovered near me, hands outstretched in case I fall backwards.

"You covered for her," Octavia whispered in realization. But I scoffed in denial.

"And what led you to that theory, Einstein?"

She looked at me through her eyelashes, "because it's something Bellamy would do for me," she admitted, quietly.

"You're not a bad person," Monty told me, laying a comforting hand on my shoulder, "Clarke was wrong in falsely accusing you like that,"

"My history doesn't exactly give a good impression,"

"But your actions did," he insisted, "You have no idea how much great help you have been the past few days. Without your smart thinking Jasper wouldn't be here, I wouldn't' be here, hell none of us would be. You protected us, fed us, and didn't ask for anything in return."

An involuntary smile stretched across my lips and there were a few unshed tears in my eyes. There was warmth in my heart I haven't felt in such a long time, a time before Milano died.

Before any tears could fall, I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve and went to stand up on my feet, "enough with the chick flick moments."

Jasper squirmed a bit where he was standing, before suddenly shouting, "MURPHY IS GONNA KILL CHARLOTTE," resulting in me losing balance and falling backwards with a loud curse as my abdomen flared in pain.

"JASPER!" Octavia scolded as she rushed to help me with Monty.

I gritted my teeth through the pain, as I raised my head to glare at Jasper, "what did you just say?" I demanded in a pained hoarse voice. Jasper started stuttering in his place. I forced myself to stand on my two feet before approaching him aggressively.

"You guys were dying, like seriously on the brink of death, but obviously not, since you're here breathing and talking," he let out a nervous chuckle as he kept walking backwards, until his back was met with a tree. I slammed my hand next to his head, making him jump and mutter a quiet "oh, my god," with a flinch.

"Why is Murphy after charlotte?"

"Because he wants justice," Octavia answered, seeing as Jasper is too scared to do so, "she confessed in front of everyone. He wants blood,"

"Not while I'm still breathing," I said in determination, turning around to look for my bow.

Monty got in my way, "hold on, you're hurt. You're in no shape to go after them," I pushed him out of the way, only to have Octavia stand in his place.

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