Chapter 8

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It's the next night and Jasper hasn't ceased from crying out in pain. The poor guy has been suffering and Clarke was too stubborn to realize that she's not a miracle worker; she can't always be the savior of all. Guess she's the reason why I made this. I stared down at the filled cup in my hand. The water inside was taking a purplish color. Something had to be done with Jasper or he will bring every living creature on this earth upon us. I stood up and made my way to the dropship.

No one was occupying the inside of the dropship since no one wanted to deal with Jasper's screaming. They are already suffering from it outside and being inside is only worse. I climbed my way up the ladder to the second floor where I found Jasper twitching and crying in pain while Monty was sitting beside him. Upon closer look I noticed that he was asleep but with the frown on his young face I can tell that it was a troubled one. Exhaustion must have overwhelmed him since Jasper's screaming hasn't woken him yet.

Silently, I made my way to where I can kneel down by Jasper. I cradled his head in my right hand, titling his head up a little while bringing the cup I had in my hand closer to his lips.

"Come on, soldier, drink up," I whispered quietly to him, partly to sooth him and partly to not awaken Monty. Jasper moaned in pain but obliged. "Good boy. Good. There you go," Jasper stopped for a few seconds to breathe before drinking the rest. "You did it, kid," slowly I lowered his head back to the pillow. He let out a final moan before falling into a deep slumber. I let out a deep breath, silently welcoming the silence and glad that it's finally over. I turned around only to find Clarke staring at me in horror as a tear escaped from her eye.

"Oh, my god!"

I rose slowly to my feet so I wouldn't startle her, "Clarke..."

"You killed him!"



Hey everyone.
First and foremost, I have edited all the previous chapters with some changes some major others minor so please read them again. If you're new to the story, hello and welcome.
Sorry for the super short chapter! This is only a teaser to hold you off until the next chapter comes out, which might take a little longer since I'm suffering through the final weeks of this semester and it's been tough. This teaser was actually part of the beginning of the next chapter but I thought to upload it separately for dramatic effects/cliff hanger :P
So I'm still not sure about the end game for Reaper yet. I've been going over the outline I made for the story and have changed a few things.
For now I decided not to make the story focus on romance. So, sorry if you guys wanted an instant love at first sight between her and Bellamy. If so then this isn't the story for you sorry! Although, I did write down a few plots for shipping her with Bellamy or Roan, both gave her slightly different personality change and outcome for her.
I'm trying to make her as a realistic character as possible. I want you all to feel as if she were part of the show and hope I didn't fail on that. I tried to make her as unique as possible without over doing anything that makes her too super or too perfect or something.
For now, her story is gonna focus on her struggles with her demons. And I mean both in and out. The stuff that I planned for her in the future will shock you all. Well, at least I hope. I tried to foreshadow a few things and make some ironies and I hope I'm not failing.
And to those who are curious, don't worry, Reaper's real name will be revealed soon!
If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please don't be too shy to send me messages or simply posting them in the comments/reviews. I'm a chatterbox and would love to communicate with everyone ^__^
Ps. This is a replacement chapter for the old Note I made
I hope to hear from you all soon!

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