Chapter 5

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When I reached my tent, I found that no one had bothered with lightning the fire back. They were all still snoring away in their dream land. As soon as I had it let I started warming up my hands.

My stomach grumbled in hunger. I sighed deeply. Tomorrow I'm gonna have to get up early and scout around the area for some food. If the water from the creek had tasted fresh and I haven't felt any kind of pain that indicates that it was poisonous, then there must be some other eatable things out there that we can all survive from.

Leaves crunched as Murphy strolled over with a merry strut in his steps. He let out a tired groan as he took a seat beside me. He was rolling Wells' bracelet around his hand with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Ain't cha a happy camper," I drawled out sarcastically. He chuckled tossing the wrist band into the fire. We didn't talk for a while, each stuck with our own thoughts. After sometime staring into the fire, I felt his eyes fall on me. I looked up and caught his eyes. Instead of looking away like many others have done before, he kept his eyes steady on my own. Blue on brown. I raised a brow, "want me to find you a camera so you can take a picture?!"

He chuckled and finally looked back to the fire. His eyes kept shifting from the fire to me back and forth. To tell the truth, it was starting to get on my last nerves.

"Out with it," I half snapped. He stared hard at me then he shifted his gaze down to my wrist band.

"How come you're the only one with a locked bracelet around here?" He asked.

"Well, I guess it's because of the fact that I'm a..." I trailed off looking both ways pretending to care if there were anyone eavesdropping in on our conversation. I leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear, "a murderer!" I leaned back with wide eyes, still keeping up with my sarcastic act. He rolled his eyes.

"What's your deal with Kane, anyway?" I inwardly stiffened at the question, but on the outside I kept a nonchalant face. He continued, "I mean, hell, almost everyone here is a murderer. Yet, we still managed to easily take our wrist bands off," he looked at me with narrowed eyes, "what makes you so special that drove Kane to get out of his way just to make a bracelet with a lock just for you."

"Careful, there, Blue eyes, I might start to think you're getting jealous of the attention little old me is receiving from the Councilman," I smiled sarcastically. He rolled his eyes with a scoff. I suddenly stared at him seriously, no traces of jokes or smiles on my face, "listen well now, pretty boy, 'cause I ain't gonna repeat myself again, ya hear? My business is none of your business. Most importantly, my business with Councilman Kane is gonna stay between Kane and I. Don't ever try to stick that large nose of yours in places it shouldn't again, capische?" I stood up, not waiting to hear a response from him. Pulling my arrow quiver over my head and picking up my bow, I walked away into the forest.

Five minutes into my walk, I heard a whimpering sound followed by some hushing noises. I narrowed my eyes and tightened my grip on my bow knotting an arrow in place as I silently made my way to where I heard the noises. There was a sniffling sound and some harsh breathing followed by some more hushing coming from behind the bushes a few feet away from me. I pushed away the bushes and pointed my bow at the same time. There were a few gasps. I was prepared for an attack or something along the lines... but seeing three defenseless kids? That, I was not expecting... At all!

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