Chapter 10

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"aaaaand, he fails again," I unnecessarily announced as Murphy's thrown knife hit the tree before clattering pathetically to the ground... again.

Murphy shot me a pissed off look as he went over to retrieve it for another shot. "It's that damn kid, always messin' with my head,"

"Excuses, excuses," I mocked. Murphy glared.

"Don't you have a murdering spree to get to or something?" he snapped. I responded with a 'Nope' earning an eye roll from him.

"He's not gonna last much longer," Bellamy stated as he lined up his ax, "better think of a new excuse," I chuckled at that as the axe shot towards the tree and imbedded itself into the tree's thick bark. "Now that's how it's done," he boasted as I clapped rather loudly and mockingly, trying to rile up Murphy, which worked perfectly. Too bad Atom interrupted with the daily local morning news before Murphy can start his complaints.

"We searched. No signs of them," Atom informed. He was talking about the two missing people from our camp. Apparently the couple had decided to take a stroll in the jungle one night and lost their way.

Murphy didn't waste time to give a witty remark, especially an opportunity to belittle someone else after he has already been made fun of. "Visited your special tree while you were out there?"

"Adam took his punishment, let it go," Bellamy scolded Murphy.

"It could be the grounders," Atom said, ignoring Murphy's remarks even though it shows it bothered him.

Murphy snatched the hatchet from the tree, "yeah, or they could be in pound town." Atom looked away pissed. Murphy continued with a hint of bitterness in his voice, "a lot of that going around recently."

"Blue eyes, is that envy I hear in your voice? " I teased with a smirked earning a halfhearted glare from Murphy.

"Look, Bellamy. People are scared. And that..." Atom trailed off with a cringe as Jasper let out another pained shriek, "dying kid is not helping the morals around here."

"The morals will go up as soon as we find more food," Bellamy replied calmly.

"Speaking of food," I stood up with a huff, tightening my gear, "I gotta head out. Got a little date with the wilderness I don't wanna be late for."

"What about Patrina and Pascal?" John asked.

"That's our leader's problem it ain't mine."

"Keep an eye out for them out there," Bellamy ordered.

I scuffed and turned so I'm walking backwards. "I hunt Thumpers and Pumpas not little damsels. Sorry, not sorry."

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