Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Hurry, put him on that table," Clarke instructed as we rushed Finn inside. The minute he was put down she started looking over him.

"Clarke, how is he?" Raven Questioned.

"Alive, for now, but he won't be for much longer, we really need my mom for this!" She replied.

"I'm doing my best, but this stupid thing is freaking busted," in frustration, Raven started smacking the radio, before Monty suddenly grabbed her arm and stopping her rage.

"Let's not make it any worse," he soothed, Raven scuffed before resuming her work on the radio. Monty turned to me. He offered me a small smile as he walked towards me, "welcome home,"

I rolled my eyes, "definitely no..." but I was suddenly cut off by an unexpected hug from him. "What are you doing?" I asked him feeling more awkward in that moment than I have ever been in my whole life.

"Hugging my friend," he replied in a matter of fact tone as he pulled back, giving me a wide cheeky smile.

I pointed my finger at him, "Never do that again!"

He smiled cheekily, "no promises," I rolled my eyes in response, before my attention was grabbed by two gremlins launching themselves at me in a surprise hug.

"You're back!!!!" Holly Cheered from my left.

"And you brought back Octavia," Lilly said from my right.

"You're a badass!"

"Hey! Language!" I grumbled.

"But you say stuff like that all the time," Lilly retorted. I flicked her on the forehead.

"Because I'm a bitch and you're a baby,"

"But..." but Holly trailed off when she caught my 'don't test me' look. She crossed her arms as she grumbled to herself.

"I'm sorry, can you say it louder? I couldn't hear you," I teased her. She rolled her eyes before grabbing a hold of Lilly's arm and dragging her away with her. I slapped her butt on the way, earning a giggle from her before they went out of sight.

Monty chuckled, "you're pretty good with them."

I shrugged, "they're good girls," I turned around to make my way out.

"Hold on, wait! You're leaving already?" he asked as he followed me.

"I gotta get back to my place before the storm gets any worse," I informed him. But I should have known how stubborn that boy can get. He stepped in front of me, blocking my way to the exit.

"The girls miss you, I miss you. And it's just as you said, the storm is going to get worse so you can't be out there alone, not in that type of weather and especially not when there're grounders around." Right as he finished talking, there was a thud right behind him. We turned around to see that on the floor laid the grounder that had kidnapped Octavia with Bellamy and his posse standing over him drenched in rain water. Monty and I shared a look.

"You were saying?"

"Get him upstairs," the boys rushed to follow Bellamy's order.

Octavia approached Bellamy, "what the hell are you doing?"

"It's time to get some answers," he replied.

Octavia scoffed, looking pissed, "you mean revenge?"

"I mean Intel," he rebutted with a glare.

"Bellamy, she's right," Clarke approached him, trying to be the voice of reason, "this is not who we are."

Bellamy stared at her, "maybe it is," he replied to her. While making his way to the ladder, he paused before he approached me, "you coming?"

I shook my head, "Nope. My working hours are over. It's home time for me, sorry buddy,"

"Look," he walked closer to me, lowering his voice so it was only us two who can hear him. "I really need you to have my back on this," he pleaded.

"If you're gonna dig your own grave, don't drag me in it with you," I replied. He huffed before walking away. I turned and started making my way out but Monty was still being persistent. This time, though, he grabbed a hold of my hand. "Monty, I'm very close to punching you in the nuts,"

He stared at me with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, but I really can't let you go; especially since you have this," he pointed to the metallic wristband on my wrist. "I accidently fried all of ours, so having yours intact is a miracle," He called for Raven, and once she glanced at him, he raised my arm higher to display my wristband. Her eyes widened and she immediately rushed to us, grabbing my arm from Monty to get a closer look at my wristband.

"Oh my god," she laughed in disbelief, "we can use this to help us with the radio,"

Monty laughed, "What are we waiting for? Let's go,"

They both started dragging me with them, "don't I get a say in this? It's my hand!"

"Finn really needs the help," Monty turned to me with a cheeky grin, "also are you really not going to help Lilly and Holly get a chance to talk with their parents?"

I sent him a deathly glare, "boy you really are asking for a kick in the nuts!"


Meanwhile on the Ark...

Abby stood rigidly as Councilman Markus Kane listed the many crimes she had committed in order to help her daughter and the rest of the hundred juveniles they've sent to Earth. To her relief, the Council decided to pardon her of everything, but she wasn't allowed to take a seat among them anymore.

"We need to talk about those flares," she insisted.

"No, we don't" Chancellor Jaha replied.

"You saw them too," she insisted, "We can't just ignore what we all know it means."

"We don't know what it means," Kane said, placidly.

"It means," Abby gritted her teeth, doing her best to control her anger at the man sitting before her, "that there is someone alive on Earth; it means that our children might still be alive."

"More false hope," Markus scoffed as he started clicking a few buttons on the tablet in front of him.

"How can you say that?" Abby questioned him quietly in disbelief, "You were there with me in the control room. One of them is still aliv..."

"A murderer," Markus snapped, "that was the only one that made it, Abby. A killer who should have been floated years ago, but instead was sent with ninety-nine other teenagers and killed them all one by one," he clicked one final button and a screen popped up, showing the status of all the hundred delinquents on the ground.

"No," Abby mumbled quietly in disbelief as her eyes started tearing up. She remembers when the entire delinquents' status went out leaving only a single one still active. The moment of devastation that Abby felt at seeing that it wasn't her daughter that remained, but the status of the known killer they called Reaper was the only one that had remained active. But that was long ago, now her status has also shutdown, along with Abby's hope.

Abby's tearful eyes met with Kane, who's expression remained neutral not showing any type of emotion.

Suddenly the radio picked up a signal. It wasn't clear at first, but soon a familiar voice was finally heard,

"Calling Ark station!"

"Raven!" Abby said in disbelief, "She's still alive!"

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